Page 30 - August 2020 Voices
P. 30
Dive! Dive! Dive!
Pathways Frequently Asked Questions (Part 3)
James Wantz, DTM
In this 3rd Pathways FAQ installment, I am taking and record awards (among other things). At the
a deeper dive into four questions. same time, the VPE is well within their role to
ask members if they completed all parts of a
I am the Base Camp Manager (BCM) / VPE. How Level before signing off on it.
do I verify that the member has completed all
the parts of a project before signing off on a Why are there so few projects that require
project completion? meeting roles? What happened to the CL
The Base Camp Manager / VPE is not required (Competent Leader) manual? How will we get
to ‘sign off’ on a project completion inside Base members to fill meeting roles without the CL
Camp—only Level or Path completion. There manual?
are projects that suggest the member work with The Competent Leader manual is indeed
the VPE to schedule a project speech with role gone. So far there are only three meeting roles
play (Managing a Difficult Audience) or increase required in Pathways: Toastmaster, Evaluator,
the time allotment for them to speak (increase and Table Topics Master. It is necessary to do each
a report from 2-3 minutes to 5-7 minutes). The of these roles once before completing Level 3 of
BCM / VPE does sign off on Level completion any Path. To find guidance on this requirement,
and Path completion. If you are unsure if the type ‘meeting roles’ in the Search box inside Base
member completed all projects in a Level, I would Camp. Open the resource for how to complete
suggest asking them via email before signing off these role requirements and where to record the
on the Level. Most Level 4 projects require work dates of the role completion.
outside the club to accomplish goals. This may How you will get members to fill meeting
not be directly viewable by the VPE. Usually, a roles now that the CL manual is gone? Well, ask
quick conversation will clear things up. them. To say that members will not do meeting
Toastmasters is a volunteer, non-profit roles unless they are getting credit (as the CL
program that relies on personal integrity. The manual did) is a load of dingo’s kidneys. A very
BCM / VPE is not meant to be a police force inside small percentage of CL awards were given out
the club. They are in their position to schedule in any given Toastmasters year. Members were
members to give speeches, assign meeting roles, doing meeting roles but not applying them to a CL