Page 26 - August 2020 Voices
P. 26
as a club officer to qualify. It still includes the District Director. Speechcraft and YLP programs
preparation of a Club Success Plan and attending do not require District approval.
an officially sanctioned club officer training And finally, the last step is for a
session (the one where your club receives credit Club Officer to sign the form in the
for the Distinguished Club Program goals chart). Club Officer Verification Field and
Familiar to us all is requirement four, District send to TI.
Leadership Role completion, which was formerly By now, being active in both District and Club
part of the ALS requirements. It is officer roles and activities, you have achieved
still a full year as a member of the something remarkable and commendable—the
District Executive Committee. A Distinguished Toastmaster award! You have
list of those roles can be found on gained great insight into not only the art of
the TI website. (Pathways Guide speechcraft but also become an accomplished
may be used here as well.) No evaluator and an exceptional leader. You
change or reinterpretation here. understand what your style of leadership is and
Remember some people may still earn credit how to use your communication style in an
for their District role by serving as a Club Coach effective manner. You have an entire “toolbox”
until June 30, 2021. and bag of magic tricks at your disposal to be
Now comes a new change as well as major a truly competent, effective, and inspirational
confusion in what role counts for what and Toastmaster.
where. The fifth requirement was also Here are the changes between the two
part of the Advanced Leadership Silver DTMs. I see the legacy as being a progressive,
award (ALS) but has been redefined guided learning experience contained within
somewhat as well as expanded. You parameters that all Toastmasters used.
must serve as a New Club Mentor The Pathways program, although still
or Club Coach. Both roles require progressive, is a more individualized program
appointment by the District Director. containing eleven Paths where you learn and
The New Club Mentor requires a minimum practice skills pertaining to that Path. Lke the
of six months service and the Club Coach legacy program, your journey in each Path
requires that the coached club become a begins with an Icebreaker speech that allows
Distinguished club. The time commitment could you to “get comfortable and confident” in your
be up to two years. speechcraft and evaluation techniques before
We now face the change that has bringing in the third portion of the Toastmasters
caused a little head scratching— “triangle” of leadership. Pathways allows you to
Club Sponsor, Speechcraft, or explore more indepth the role of leadership, its
Youth Leadership Program (YLP) ins and outs, as well as your personal leadership
achievement for requirement six. style development. It has also adjusted to the
Club Sponsors are appointed by the new technology and 21st century in the myriad