Page 46 - July 2020
P. 46


     then email the completed evaluation to the                  I used to have a concise project manual
     member. I know that some members who print               in the CC (Competent Communicator). Now
     the form, handwrite their evaluation, take a             there are pages and pages of clicking to go

     picture of the form (or scan it), then email it          through in the online portal. Why?
     back to the member. When we are back to face-               One of the advantages Pathways has over the
     to-face meetings, I will print the Evaluation            traditional program is that Pathways is designed
     forms and fill them out in the meeting so that I         with multiple learning styles in mind. Text is

     can hand them to the speaker—a bit harder to             visual, videos are visual and auditory, quizzes
     do over Zoom.                                            and assessments are interactive, and pictures
                                                              break up the monotony of text only. Yes, there
     Do I really have to write a new speech each              are pages of clicking in Pathways. However, each
     time I do a project?                                     page is set up so as to not overwhelm the viewer

         No. It is perfectly acceptable (even encouraged      (my opinion) and to be easily digestible in small
     in Level 1 Project 2) to use the same speech over        portions. Clicking the navigation icons helps keep
     again. I have presentations that I give repeatedly       the viewer engaged in the material and gives a

     (Pathways training or Evaluation workshops).             sense of movement towards a goal. If you really
     I don’t write a whole new presentation each              want a manual instead of all the online clicking,
     time - I modify the previous presentation to fit         then open the project, click the down arrow a
     the new audience. There is absolutely nothing            the bottom of the window to quickly navigate to

     wrong with taking your Icebreaker through all            ‘Your Evaluation’ where you can click on ‘Print
     4 of the speeches in Level 1 - granted, Project 3        my Project’ to get the entire manual (including
     is Research a Topic, but you could throw some            the evaluation form and any other forms in the
     research into an Icebreaker without having to            project) in a PDF format you can download and

     rewrite the entire speech. Remember: Pathways            print at your leisure.
     is not meant to take over your life, it is meant to         This concludes part 2 of my Pathways FAQ.
     complement and work with what you are already            If you have a question that I did not cover - or
     doing. If you give presentations regularly, market       one that you’ve heard in your Club - email me

     yourself over zoom, do training sessions, do             at to include it in next
     stand up (sit down) comedy, or sternly warn your         month’s edition. Also email me if you have
     cat not to jump on the kitchen counters - turn it        general questions about Pathways, Base Camp
     into a project for Pathways!                             Manager, or just want to give me a winning

                                                              lottery ticket.

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