Page 36 - May 2020
P. 36


       Sometimes Losing is Still Winning

       Alan Schwartz, DL3

      I hadn’t planned to compete in the International  driving to my Toastmasters meeting while

      Speech Contest.                                        speaking with my father on the phone. He told
          Tuesday, January 7th - I drove to Kafiex  me a riveting story about an encounter my
      Roasters - Coffee Lab in downtown Vancouver,  Grandpa Lee had in one of his many missions
      WA for my early morning mastermind group,  during WWII. I felt compelled to add that story

      Goal Getters Network. It’s a networking group  to my speech at the very last minute.
      I started as a support group for high achievers.           I spoke about some of the trials of three
          One of our guests that day was Patrick Locke,  of my ancestors. I shared what I thought were
      a Distinguished Toastmaster. He asked me if  touching stories about

      I would compete in the International Speech  my Great Grandma
      contest the next morning as they needed another  Fannie Sheweloff, and
      contestant at my Toastmasters club #3091  her son, my Grandpa
      Professionally Speaking. I told him that I didn’t  Lee, both of whom are

      have a prepared speech. He suggested I just throw  on my mothers’ side of
      one together. I agreed, thinking, ‘Why not? It was  the family tree. I also
      just one speech, not too much of a commitment.’  shared about my Great
          Wednesday, January 8th - I had been knee  Grandfather Bernard

      deep in a lot of recent research about my family  Schwartz who is on
      history for the purpose of helping my 11 year old  my father’s side. Both
      son, Avery, with one of his 5th grade assignments.  great grandparents had
      I had been spending weeks climbing several  fled their oppressive

      generations up our family tree by interviewing  home countries to
      a few of my relatives and investigating leads and  come across the ocean
      documents on                             to America over 100
          It was the morning of the contest and I was  years ago with next

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