Page 33 - May 2020
P. 33

I Might Be a Dinosaur

 Evaluating on Zoom - Part 2

 James Wantz, DTM

      not dependent, warm-blooded). Maybe more               still had the device registered on their account.

      of a dino-mal or a mam-osaur (actually I think         Whenever I went in or out, they could log in and
      that makes me a platypus . . . one of only a few       watch me. So...instead of taking it down, I started
      confused, egg-laying mammals [thanks Google]).         practicing my speeches outside my front door
              Yeah, I’m a mam-osaur! Dino-mal                (I’d just found a new audience!!) and asked for

                               sounds too much like a        their feedback. They quickly removed the device
                                   PowerRanger villain       from their account . . . so I put it on mine! Now
                                   or a crusty shopping      I have a bunch of videos of myself speaking to
      center. And this mam-osaur has a few bones to          my front door . . . which is about as expressive

      pick with (my own) Zoom presentations while            as a blank computer screen. [Pro tip: if you don’t
      offering a few suggestions about how to make           have a Ring device—then use your neighbor’s!
      Zoom more effective.                                   It will get posted on the Ring network and you
               mbrace the warm-fuzzy mammal side of          will gain notoriety with the tag: “Who is this

          Eyou and adjust your presentation to fit the       bozo who keeps giving speeches on my porch?!”]
      platform. I no longer have an audience - what I
      have is a pinned Timer and a small camera to
      look into so that everyone watching thinks I am

      looking right at them. That’s it. No. One. Else.
      Get used to talking to inanimate objects (Come
      on, Timer! A few lively expressions or a nod of
      the head, please!)

          How do you get prepared for this? Well . . . I
      practice my speeches outside my front door (or
      wherever there is a Ring device). This is probably
      the easiest way to get a (admittedly, unflattering

      fisheye lens perspective) view of yourself (with
      audio, too!). The house I just moved into has a
      Ring by the front door. It wasn’t until a couple
      weeks ago that I realized the previous owners

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