Page 44 - April 2020
P. 44
FUN FEST on First Fridays
Michelle Alba-Lim, DTM
A few months ago, I wrote about my vision of Toastmasters meeting format, Friday Night Fun
starting a blended Toastmasters club that would Masters (or FNFM for short) meeting agenda
be the first of its kind in District 7 (and perhaps would be different in some respects. Instead of a
the Toastmasters world). A traveling, advanced, Toastmaster of the Meeting, we would have a Fun
blended community club. Master of the Meeting. Instead of Table Topics,
Friday Night Fun Masters would meet on the we would have Tickle Topics. And instead of an
FIRST FRIDAY of each month, at DIFFERENT Ah-counter, we would have a Ha-ha counter.
physical locations. The common factor would On the first Friday of March, we held our
be that the location would be conducive to first meeting at Elmer’s Restaurant in Roseburg.
people getting together to have fun, would Due to inclement weather, we had a number
have a function room, and provide WIFI so of cancellations. Despite the small in-person
that members and guests could zoom in from turnout, we had great fun and fellowship thanks
anywhere in the state, the country, or the world. to friends who participated from various parts
The club focus would be on having FUN and of the world.
FELLOWSHIP while FULFILLING personal For the first Friday of April, we had planned
and professional goals. Although based on the to meet at the same venue, hopefully with better