Page 33 - March 2020
P. 33

BurnsMasters Toastmasters: 90 days to Charter Status (Part 2)

 Marv Serhan, DTM

         Now that the decisionmaker is fully informed            Note and this is important: This orientation
      and invested in the value of Toastmasters within  presentation cannot be a canned talk. It must

      his organization, and the ‘champion’ (Jeff             be delivered with authenticity, sincerity,
      Bourgeois) has been identified, the lead sponsor’s  spontaneity, clarity, plenty of examples, and
      next challenge will be to sell the concept to all  crafted in such a way as to involve the audience.
      potential club members, i.e. Burns & McDonnell  That involvement will create energy, enthusiasm,

      employees. This orientation meeting is  and help to illustrate how the Toastmaster
      essentially a sales pitch to share the significance  program will lead to immediate learning. At
      of the Toastmaster learning experience and  BurnsMasters, the exercise involved impromptu
      illustrate how enhanced communication skills  speaking (table topics) followed immediately by

      will directly benefit the members of a company.  informal evaluations – demonstrating how to
      At BurnsMasters there were 19 participants  offer constructive feedback. The participants
      at this orientation meeting. The survey that  immediately realized the significance of this
      followed had close to that number committed  learning approach, found it challenging, and

      to join the club. Obviously, the presentation was  enjoyable as well. But they also recognized the
      well-received.                                         session to be a friendly environment within

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