Page 24 - March 2020
P. 24
newest ocean liner on her maiden voyage to “the mother in the crush of the crowd, and was placed
States” in April 1912, the Royal Mail Ship Titanic in another boat and given to the safety of a crew
leaving from Southampton. Their household member who kept telling her not to worry as the
goods were to accompany them in the hold other boat would be next to them shortly. She
as well as their motor car. They themselves, never saw her mother or little brother again. Her
while not first class, at least had second class boat was rescued later in the morning, and she
tickets and a spacious cabin, dining room and frantically looked for her family among the 720
amenities available to them. They boarded at survivors on the RMS Carpathia. They weren’t
Southampton, perhaps waved goodbye to friends to be found. Landing in America, as an orphan
and father’s co-workers, anticipating their new with no relatives in the U.S., she was returned
life in New York. to Britain and an aunt was eventually found to
You can now guess what transpired next. A take her in. She slept poorly at night, wouldn’t
few days of nice weather, then turning to the go to the seaside for holiday, and hated hearing
traditional North Atlantic route towards Canada the steam whistles of the railway engines as they
where ice bergs had been sighted by previous reminded her of the Titanic’s mournful cry for
ships. Full speed ahead went Commodore rescue. One morning, she was horrified when
Edward Smith, captain and master of the Titanic, she looked into the mirror and discovered that
to their watery grave as over 1500 passengers her hair had turned pure white during the night.
and crew members died on the evening of April Forever more, she would bear that mark of her
15, 1912. Mary remembers last seeing her father life radically changed from one of a new hope
help her mother and little brother into a lifeboat. in the Americas to horror of the tragedy near
She somehow had become separated from her Newfoundland aboard the Titanic.
Grandmother would never
see Mary again after the
completion of that term, but she
would always be remembered
to her as the shy, troubled pale-
haired girl who sat ahead of her
in class and the passing on of
her account to her family and
especially her grandson while
he grew up. And now, fellow
Toastmasters, I bequeath this
tale to you, the legend of “The
Girl with the White Hair.”