Page 33 - November 2019
P. 33


 Better Meetings Made Easy

 Dottie Love, DTM

 “That was an awful meeting,” the attendee said.  idea about a ‘theme’ gives
 “Agreed. And I got nothing out of it,” said   members something to
 another.  rally around and lead

 When your guests and members secretly   to more collaborative
 voice these sentiments, then your club suffers.   meetings.
 We all come to Toastmasters looking for growth.   2.  Review the agenda for
 Effective meetings are at the heart of it all. Having   open roles and send out

 served in District roles like Area Director and   an email reminding and
 Division Director, I’ve had the opportunity to   confirming roles are to be
 visit a number of clubs. I can tell within 5 minutes   filled. And include this link
 of the meeting how healthy and thriving the   for helpful role tips.

 club is. When the meetings are lackluster—that   3.  Send a note to the speakers
 bleeds over into the health of the club. And when   to find out their speech
 that happens, members aren’t getting what they   title and intro to their speech so that you   a special event. Bring items or materials  your club meeting thrives.
 want.  And that’s a sad thing.    can introduce them properly. If using   to support your theme.  Dottie Love is an author and motivational

 When you are effective at leading a meeting   Toastmasters suggested websites, you   8.  The other thing theme meetings do is give  speaker. She joined Toastmasters in 2013,
 as the Toastmaster, you  can email the agenda and review speech   the functionary roles holders something  and earned her Distinguished Toastmasters
 •  Set the tone of a meeting  information from the website.    to plan around:  (DTM) in 2018. To find out more, visit www.
 •  Set the stage for meeting success  4.  Arrive early to connect with role holders.  •  The Grammarian can pick a word-of-

 •  Ensure other members are prepared to be   5.  Print the agenda. Bring the agenda. And   the-day to support the theme
 successful in their role  follow the agenda. As the Toastmaster   •  The Jester can pick a joke that enhances   Great Leaders
 I wrote a quick-reference guide to help my   ‘adjust on the fly’ if things needs to change  the theme
 club members be their best in the role. They   6.  Have fun—lead with laugher and clapping!  •  Very creative Toastmasters ask speakers   don’t tell you what

 have found this guide to be helpful in ensuring   what their speeches are about ahead of
 great meetings. Get a copy of tips and scripts to   Add Flare to the Meeting  time then set a theme to compliment those   to do, they show you
 share with your club by clicking here.  7.  Thriving clubs that have been around for   topics. Or vice versa.
 many years understand the power and   The best thing a Toastmaster can do when   how it’s done!
 The Role of Toastmaster Begins the   potency of themed meetings. Themes   leading a meeting is to have FUN in the role and
 Week Before the Meeting  start with the Toastmaster. Themes can be   ‘roll’ with it. When the Toastmaster is fun and

 1.  Set a theme for the meeting. Themes can   simple or extravagant! If EXTRAVAGANT,   lively, so is the meeting.  Alessandro Berselli
 be Educational. Inspirational. Fun. The   partner with other members and make it   When you thrive as a Toastmaster, you ensure

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