Page 42 - September 2019
P. 42
fans in England and Australia, as well as the U.S. for my life and for my writing, I have
Some of my fans offered to be a proofreader, or acknowledged Toastmasters International in
early reader, so they could get the next book in my published books. If you’re a writer, or an
their hands quicker. I’ve had some interesting aspiring writer, and you’re not in Toastmasters
conversations. One reviewer complimented yet, I think you should definitely give it a try. If
my ability to weave fantasy and science fiction you’re a Toastmaster, and you’ve been thinking
together. Another loves my characters. And one about writing, there is no doubt in my mind
person actually said I my writing reminded her you should start, or continue writing. Seek
of Charles Dickens. I was flattered and humbled. publication. And no matter where you are in
And hey – even though I have minor sales, I’ve the process of writing or becoming a writer,
been recognized. Just the other day someone said Toastmaster or not, get in touch with me, and
they thought they recognized me, then said “Oh we’ll talk about getting you on The Write Stuff.
yeah; you’re that guy on that book.” For my High Performance Leadership
Project my small team has put together a
Tell us how you combined Toastmasters workshop for writers and aspiring writers.
and your love of writing. Write Here, Right Now is October 12, from
How many pages do I get? To me speaking 9-4, at Providence St. Vincent Medical Center,
is all about telling stories. I hear some amazing rooms 20-21. A number of published authors
stories in Toastmasters, and many of them inspire are coming to share what they have learned
me. There are many, many wonderful people in and experienced. Register now. Seats are
Toastmasters. That gives me ideas for characters, limited. Click here to register.
as well as support and encouragement. Through
crafting speeches I have learned how to tighten
up my writing, how to organize a solid opening,
body and conclusion, how to use the best words
for the situation. Because of the high value I
have personally received through Toastmasters,