Page 41 - September 2019
P. 41


      Meet Ken Coomes

      Leanna Lindquist, DTM

      Ken Coomes originally joined Toastmasters in 2011. He currently is a

      member of Daylighters and TV Toastmasters. I first met Ken when I was
      a member of Daylighters.

      What brought you to Toastmasters?                      What can you

          I didn’t think I needed Toastmasters, but          tell me about your guests?
      a friend of mine was trying to get enough              We’ve had Kate Ristau, an excellent local author
      members to charter a club, and I said I would          who writes in the YA genre. She’s also President

      help out. Boy, was I wrong (about not needing          of the Willamette Writer’s Group. One of our
      Toastmasters.) I went from being somewhat              local independent publishers, Author Ben
      comfortable with public speaking to being a            Gorman of Not a Pipe Publishing broke ground
      more confident and improved public speaker.            for publishers everywhere when he chose to

      Even better than that, my wife loves the fact          publish only female authors for a year. Historical
      that I learned to be a better listener through the     non-fiction writer John Bronson and Naomi
      program.                                               Inman, professional writer and PR Princess
                                                             were on the show. I interviewed Heather Ames,
      Tell us about The Write Stuff TV program               outstanding mystery writer, and Marvin Mitchell,

      As a member of TV Toastmasters I turned my             wordsmith extraordinaire, who published a
      sometimes host role into my own segment, The           children’s book. We have more authors lined up,
      Write Stuff. It focuses exclusively on writers         from a variety of genres. I hope to get at least one

      and those in the industry. I bring authors,            agent on the show, perhaps a reviewer, an editor,
      professional writers, publishers – anyone in the       and a representative of a traditional publishing
      writing industry – on the show and we talk about       house. The Write Stuff is still young, and I have
      all things writing. If anyone reading this writes      big plans for the show.

      or serves in the industry in some capacity, and
      wants to appear on the show, please let me know.       What is it like to be a published author?
      My email address is lupusgnome@hotmail.                   Until you’re on the best-seller list, maybe
      com (or, cell phone              even afterward, writing is a labor of love. It was

      503-515-5747. We have guests lined up through          satisfying for me to get my message out there
      the rest of 2019, but it’s not too early to line up    for others to read. Once I did that, I received fan
      a spot for next year.                                  mail, and that is amazing. I received emails from

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