Page 12 - September 2019
P. 12
Memories . . .
Emilie Taylor, DTM
Distict Director
It’s been almost a month since Trio members International Business Meeting
from around the world attended District Leader I have to say that I always, always learn
Training and the Toastmasters Convention in something new from attending these meetings.
Denver, Colorado. It was a great experience, From passing motions, to hearing opinions, and
my third convention, and my last one as an hearing candidates deliver two- minute speeches,
incumbent Trio member. makes the attendance worthwhile. Plus, while
waiting for election results, we have a chance
District Leader Training to listen to music and dance, albeit short. As
As Trio members, we attended District Leader Distr ict Director, the responsibility falls on me
Training to familiarize ourselves with our roles. to lead our District Executive Council (DEC)
These two days were filled with learning and meetings and the General Council Meetings.
interacting with other Trio members from other Wow! Another whirlwind of that excitement and
districts and regions. One of the best things that all of the emotions you may remember when
came out of the training were the friendships you gave your ice breaker speech, challenging
created. When I was the Club Growth Director you to another level of personal growth.
(CGD), I met other CGDs from around the world.
We went through the process together, and now International Director Candidate Interviews
we are leading our Districts. It’s a humbling Every year we elect International Directors.
experience especially that I never thought of We interviewed 16 candidates on Sunday, the
becoming a District officer. I said yes to one day after arriving in Denver. Think about
event that led to another, and then to now. The speed-dating. We had 15-minutes interviews
transformative power of Toastmasters is available with each candidate. It was an enlightening
to anyone who wants to step out, step forward, experience as we took turns asking questions.
and step up. These candidates were just like you and me.