Page 13 - August 2019
P. 13
ingredients, like in a good loaf of homemade self-talk and silly fears. It means doing it and not
bread, must be worked, kneaded, left to RISE, shoving it off on others (which in the end only
be re-worked—sometimes pounded on until we weakens us and our integrity and resolve). It
have that loaf reach it’s Pinnacle of Excellence. means doing our best, despite ourselves getting
Excellence is not perfection, it is individually in the way. Integrity is being able to look in the
reaching its own unique best. mirror at the end of the day and saying ‘you
Core values guide my daily interactions in know, you did it and you are OK!’
Toastmasters and become my guiding principles. SERVICE: Service to the members.
RESPECT: Let us start with Respect for the Toastmasters is a service-oriented organization.
individual. When I think of respect, I think Giving back to the organization that has helped
about Aretha Franklin’s song R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Do you RISE. Gaining the big picture and awareness
you remember it? Truly, when I think about of where we have been and where others are in
Respect, I think about the Golden Rule—the their journey. It’s a two-way street. By helping—
principle of treating others as I would want to be by volunteering—we both grow. Studies confirm
treated. I think about Listening versus Talking. that when you help another, both have boosted
We are mostly in the habit of formulating our immune systems. Those who witness the good
answer before the other has completed their deed also have boosted their immune systems.
thought. How many of us truly listen? When So, serving others has social and health benefits
someone gives a speech, do we give that person to boot!
our undivided attention? Or, do we get side EXCELLENCE: Dedication to Excellence.
tracked on personal quests, like: Did I leave the Excellence to me is becoming a better
iron on? Where is the best all-you-can-eat buffet communicator and leader. It is the pursuit of
nearby? I have learned a lot in Toastmasters, one becoming good at something. It is not about
of which is to be present. By listening, we are becoming perfect. I love this core value because it
showing our respect. True listening allows us accepts me and you where we are. Thus, excel at
to give honest feedback which helps our club what and who you are. Do not become something
members grow—and believe it or not, we too else. Do your best, be your best, help others. RISE
grow from the experience. to your unique highest potential and discover
INTEGRITY: What does Integrity mean to more and more about who you really are!
me? It means being true to myself and what I It’s been said that people come into our lives
believe. It means doing the right thing even if for a reason, bringing something we must learn
no one is watching. What does Integrity mean and we are led to those who help us the most to
to me as a club member? It means honesty and grow if we let them and we help them in return—
sincerity when giving feedback as an evaluator. Toastmasters is that someone for all of us.
It means following up on promises. It means To all of you Toastmasters, thank you for
doing a task that may be new to me and being a part of this wonderful organization.
sometimes scary but doing it despite negative