Page 10 - August 2019
P. 10


                                                              one club, but may have to help start a new one

                                                              as Plan B. Her decision to embrace leadership
                                                              began when she and Harvey Schowe attended
                                                              the 1996 National Convention in Connecticut
                                                              when Gary Schmidt became the International

                                                              President. Karen said, “I couldn’t lead anyone
                                                              out of a paper bag!” But with encouragement,
                                                              she went on to attain an impressive record!
                                                                 Karen has held every club officer role, many

                                                              several times. She has been a Club Coach, Area
                                                              Director twice, a Division Director twice, District
                                                              Sergeant at Arms, and District Secretary. She
                                                              has led or helped coordinate Speechcraft and

                                                              small club modules. She served as database
                                                              coordinator and is currently serving as District
                                                              Finance Manager, a role she had held since 2017.
                                                                 Karen is active in three clubs: Blue Ox, Civil

                                                              Tongues and Portland Progressives. Some might
                                                              say she is rather driven (or even a fierce manager!)
       many accolades, ribbons and other awards.  but it is simply a desire to see people get the
       And, she  is the eldest on the Portland Hood to  benefit of being involved.

       Coast team.                                               For Karen, what she would say to encourage
          Life can be likened to a race. At the starting  people to check out Toastmasters is fairly
       line you have a goal, you set yourself a pace,  straight forward. It is valuable to visit clubs, to
       and to finish you stick to that pace to reach your  check out the club culture to see what fits with

       finishing time. In life you have goals—among  one’s personality. Toastmasters is not just for
       them there is saving money and juggling one’s  public speaking, its also about conversation,
       time better. And like a race, the real goal is to  confidence, having something to say and
       start another race when that goal is achieved.  knowing how to speak your mind. We may be

       Everything has a purpose; to improve.                  asked to speak in Grad School, or the boss may
          And of course, there’s Karen’s love and passion  request a presentation. Who knows—maybe
       for Toastmasters. She has started two paths in  you would like to quit your job and you want to
       Pathways and is working on two Level 4s.               practice how to say such things without the boss’s

          Karen got into leadership more than  feedback! Toastmasters is about helping others
       speaking, although she is closing in on her sixth  and mutually growing one’s self, improving
       DTM. She is just short of sponsoring, coaching  your own skills set. Its less expensive than any
       or mentoring a club. She is currently coaching  communications course in school, too.

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