Page 30 - 2019 April
P. 30


          Bruce & Gloria Crockett

          Leanna Lindquist, DTM

      I met Gloria and Bruce Crockett at a High                                                                              of Redmond for what we have learned and                 local publication with pictures and names of
      Desert Division Contest when they were new to                                                                          are learning. It is the safe environment, the           Toastmasters who achieved Levels 1, 2, or 3.
      Toastmasters. I have reconnected with them over                                                                        supportive club members, the mentoring and                  Dee Cort, club president, and Beckie Sibley,
      the years at contests and conferences. Their story                                                                     encouragement, the growth in confidence                 VP of Membership, are running a Toastmasters
      of a couple enjoying Toastmasters together should                                                                      as leaders and speakers that is the proof of            class for the Redmond High School ROTC that

      inspire other members to invite their spouses to join.                                                                 Toastmasters success. In the mix of all of this,        is going quite well.
                                                                                                                             let us not forget the fun that leads to laughter is
      What brought you to Toastmasters?                                                                                                                                              Please share your advice to members
                                                                                                                             what keeps this club healthy.
         We joined the Redmond Toastmasters Club                                                                                                                                     who want to invite their spouse to join

      in February, 2016. We sought out Toastmasters                                                                          Tell us about the challenges your small                 their club?
      because we were both representing a multi-                                                                             town club has and how you address                           Not all couples are ready to join Toastmasters
      level marketing (MLM) company and wanted                                                                               them.                                                   at the same time. It depends on their

      to improve our presentation skills. Both of
                                                                                                                                We live in a community of 28,000+ people.            circumstances (age of children, schedules,
      us are ordained ministers. When ministers                                                                              We have watched members come and go but we              club meetings time), their professions, or their
      preach a sermon they  have much more time to            Houses at the Redmond Library, and one of the                  have a stable core group and our club seems to          demeanor. Some spouses are quiet, and some are
      develop their story or thought process with the         club members was always at the Chamber of                      attract new members when needed. Recruiting             outgoing. If a member wants to invite a spouse to
      congregation. In MLM, a representative may              Commerce Coffee Clatters on Friday mornings                    happens at Open Houses, Chamber Coffee                  join, laying a foundation in advance before the

      only have a minute or five minutes at the most          to share about Toastmasters.                                   Clatters (our club sponsors one every year), and        invitation is important. Sharing these positive
      to share. Learning how to speak effectively in a           We found not only a new skill set, but also                 in conversations with people in the community.          components may help the spouse: the club has
      timed scenario was essential for our professional       a community of believers in the purpose of                     Our approach with the community is to express           a safe environment, there is no pressure to get

      goals.                                                  Toastmasters. Developing leaders and improving                 and demonstrate how Toastmasters adds value             up front right away, there are many beginners
                                                              our speaking skills are supported by all club                                                                          in the club currently feeling the same way the
      What has your Toastmaster journey been                  members because we are all striving for the same               to your professional life. We are successful in         spouse might be feeling, the support for each
      like?                                                   things. Honoring the accomplishments of the                    recruiting because of our “presence” in the             member is excellent, the club meetings are fun
         In May of 2017, Bruce was elected President of       club’s members and the flow of encouragement,                     Valerie Nichols, our VP of Public Relations, is      and have lots of laughter, and the club is growing

      the club for the 2017-18 year and Gloria was the        mentoring, and opportunities to grow are                       savvy with social media. She has improved our           and very successful in the community, are all
      Sergeant of Arms. Together we had a lot to learn.       unceasing, especially when you have a great                    presence on Facebook and our Facebook page,             good elements to point out. Does this make the
      The members of the club were very supportive            team on the Executive Committee.
                                                                                                                             posted videos of our meetings, our awards at            decision to join easier? Do people/couples have
      and willing to do their part to help make the                                                                          Level recognition, and our club Speech Contest          a yearning to belong to a community of people
      club successful. Club members attended TLI and          Why do you stay in Toastmasters?                               award presentations. Val wrote an article for a         where they are appreciated? Where they are
      District Conferences, the club sponsored Open              We enjoy belonging to the Toastmasters
                                                                                                                                                                                     challenged in supportive and gentle ways? We

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