Page 25 - 2019 April
P. 25

The Key to Success

 Paul Fanning, DTM  ACME Shoe Company

 The great Acme Shoe Company—a steadfast   Davis was skeptical.  success was. . . and silence reigned in the hall.   have more members April 1 than they had in
 Eastern-based company—was on the verge of   Two weeks went by. On the third, Mr. Davis   He repeated the question. Weaver stood there,   March? I would wager that it didn’t. Whose job
 bankruptcy. It was the dark and dreary days of   received an envelope from someplace in West   looking around and muttered, “see the people.”   is it to find new members? Who can call those
 the Depression, and its president could barely   Virginia. There were four order forms and   He repeated it again, a little more loudly, “see   members who have not paid or dropped out for

 keep the factory doors open, let alone maintain   money for several pairs of shoes. The letter read,   the people.” Davis jumped up and shook Buck’s   whatever reason? Why it’s all of ours!
 and pay a staff of salesmen.  “I’m not happy with my results. Could only get   hand. “Fellow Acme Shoe employees, you’ve   SEE THE PEOPLE! A very simple set of words
 On a fateful Friday when the latest weekly   these four people to buy shoes. I’ll do better   heard it from our top salesman of the year. His   yet so powerful in their application. Think about
 accounts, red splattered over the pages, came   next week.”  secret, why it’s so simple but we’ve forgotten the   those people you work with daily. Do you think

 across his desk, he reached for the stick phone   And he did. Dozens of orders poured in, and   key, see the people!”  that any could benefit from the Toastmasters
 and asked for his vice-president of sales, George   in a few short months, Buck was top salesman.   SEE THE PEOPLE! Fellow Toastmasters. We   program? Do they need a little polish in their
 Davis, to come and see him. . . pronto. “See here,   The phone rang on Davis’ desk. A familiar voice   have become so involved with Pathways, training   public speaking? Maybe they lack confidence
 Davis, we have to make more changes. I tell you   rang out, “Davis! What’s that Weaver guy doing?   and membership renewal that we’ve forgotten   or have never had any training in the art of

 we can’t afford to pay our salesmen, not one   They don’t even wear shoes out there! I want   one of the key secrets of the Toastmasters   speechcraft. I think I see the light-bulb glowing
 more red cent. Put an ad in the papers ‘Wanted   him here next month so we can give him the   program—members in our clubs. Members to   over your head now-Toastmasters could be for
 salesmen willing to work on commission.’ Let   top salesman award. Make it happen.”  help each of us grow professionally as speakers,   them-but they need to be asked! And asked by
 me know how it turns out.” Grateful he still   Obliging, George contacted Buck, invited   as evaluators and leaders. Where would we be if   you, their friend and potential mentor.

 had a job, Mr. Davis called various newspapers   him and his wife to come to the Factory—all at   we didn’t have enough club members to evaluate   SEE THE PEOPLE! But don’t just stop looking
 with the recommended (no, demanded ad) to   company expense.   those speeches—or to properly “staff” a club   at your workplace. How about your church—
 be placed. However, he made a mistake. He had   The day arrived. The audience packed the   meeting and (gasp) to give speeches? Who can   anyone in a church leadership position that may
 placed an ad in a small weekly that served a   meeting hall, anxious to hear this man from   mentor us or who can we mentor?  need a boost in the skills-their self-assurance

 rural area in the Appalachian Mountains. And   Appalachia. Weaver, sitting next to his lovely but   SEE THE PEOPLE! With the latest   and professional speaking? INVITE them!
 it was read by Buck Weaver, married, with two   simple wife, was introduced, received his award.   membership renewal period, our clubs need   Maybe someone you’ve met in your volunteer
 children. Unemployed, he signed up right away.   The boss turned to him, asked what his key to   members. What about your club? Did your club   work, or even family members? Make sure you

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