Page 44 - January 2019 Voices
P. 44
New Member induction is an important step and helps to
formalize the members addition to the club.
guests. The guest is encouraged to sign the VP Education writes a monthly schedule that
club visitor log, receives a copy of the meeting includes a “Coach” for each new member for each
agenda, completes a visitor information form, of their functionary role assignments up to and
and is escorted to an “Honored Guest” seating including when they are qualified to perform
arrangement. If time permits, the club president and as Duty Toastmaster of the Day. This formal
the VP Membership are involved in that welcome training program ensures new members are
process. Other club members typically seek to offer a properly supervised in the performance of club
warm welcome as well. functionary roles. Each role must be coached 3
—Meeting Room Appearance: TM-3091 times before the new member will be designated
takes this view seriously. The meeting room as a club Coach. This process can take months
venue is professional in appearance. That first to complete, but it is thorough, meaningful, and
impression is critical. The Sergeant @ Arms has effective. The program ensures that individuals
the room arranged per a format called out in learn, teams learn, and the club retains the
the club SOP. knowledge necessary to sustain a high level of
—VP Membership Involvement: The VP predictable performance even when member
Membership remains engaged in the welcome attrition inevitably will occur. In many respects
process whether present at the meeting or not. this Coaching program offers more interaction
Follow-up communications are established with between new members and senior Toastmasters
visitors to ensure they are fully aware of club than a formal mentoring assignment. TM-3091
membership resources, application procedures, essentially provides mentoring in parallel with
and associated fees. TM-3091’s VP Membership coaching new members. Both have value and
is actively engaged in the Guest-to-Member contribute to the learning that takes place within
protocol that helps to ensure the process is TM-3091.
smooth, efficient and professional throughout. Part III will address the final four factors that
—New Member Induction Ceremony: New have influenced the growth and sustained success of
Member induction is an important step and TM-3091
helps to formalize the members addition to the Marv Serhan, Captain, U.S. Navy (Retired) has
club. Roberts Rules are followed, and a formal been a member of Toastmasters since 1999. He earned
training program starts immediately after the his DTM in 2007. He is the founder and current
new member is aboard. president of Professionally Speaking TM-3091. In
—TM-3091’s “Coaching” Program: An addition, he is the District 7 Area 81 Director within
organizational learning technique that helps Division G. If you have questions, Marv can be reached
TM-3091 retain and share knowledge is at or through his website:
through a formalized Coaching program. The