Page 19 - 2018 December
P. 19
RIGHT THIS VERY MINUTE.) I love We have wonderful volunteers, but I’m not
Toastmasters (and cats). The program has helped asking them to step up—I am asking you. Do
me so much. I love helping others. Will you help? you have passion? Do you want to see Pathways
You will be helping the District, helping succeed? Will you help me? Please say yes.
members who have challenges with Pathways, Oh, and if you are wondering, yes, the cat won.
but, more importantly, helping me. I’ll let you He is lying on my chest and purring as I type
in on a little secret—I don’t ask for help. We are this. Ever try typing with a cat on your chest?
six months into the year, and I’m finally asking Challenging but rewarding - just like being a
for help. I try to do it all myself. I am allergic to Pathways Champion.
delegation. (I know, shameful.) You’d think that James Wantz, DTM, is the District 7 Pathways
this long in Toastmasters I’d have figured out Coordinator for 2018-2019. He can be reached at
a better way to lead—through delegation—or
simply to ask for help when overwhelmed.
Well. . . I’m still in Toastmasters because I
still need to learn. Asking for help is my biggest
unlearned skill. It is hard for me to do. Why? I
don’t know—maybe because I am the youngest
of 6 (they say I was spoiled—I remember it
differently—like being chased around the house
with the vacuum or fed whirled peas while
blindfolded and tied to a chair). Maybe because
I’m a Capricorn. I don’t know why—I just know
that asking for help is almost like networking—
makes me feel inadequate.
I have been so blessed with the help I have
already received—help unasked for and much
appreciated. We have really wonderful people
in the District—thank you to all the Pathways
Guides that visited your clubs and worked with
VPEs to understand the program. Thank you
to every club member that answers other club
members questions about Pathways. Thank you
to those who give the gift of their time to make
all the training events so successful. We could
not do it without you.