Page 38 - voices November
P. 38
Thaddeus Wellington Veness - Part 1
Harvey Schowe, DTM - District 7 Historian
Thaddeus Veness, Attorney, was a member of the Portland Toastmasters Club during
the 1940s and was known as an outstanding critic or evaluator. He was a charter
member of the Portland City Club. His life will be explored over the next couple of
months. Presented here is Part 1.
Thaddeus Wellington Veness was a member In 1899, James Veness was elected as an
of Portland Toastmasters Club #31 during the Alderman for City of Albert Lea. He was
1940s and known as an outstanding evaluator. chairman of the city water works. He ran for
He was born on February 10, 1886 in Beloit, Alderman in the spring 1900 election. James
Rock County, Wisconsin. His parents were Veness continued running his machine shop
James Wellington Veness, a machinist born on and foundry butsiness until his retirement
September 24, 1855 and Anna Schumaker born and move to Portland, Oregon with his wife.
on January 1861. They were married on April 10, Thaddeus Veness attended public schools in the
1884. After 1886, the family moved to Albert Lea City of Albert Lea. After completing high school,
City, Freeborn County, Minnesota where James he enrolled at Oberlin College in February 1906.
Veness started a machine shop and foundry This college had an extensive oratory program.
business called Enterprise Iron Works. The college had many student oratory and debate
The July 11, 1894, Freeborn County newspaper clubs. The freshman, sophomore, junior and
article mentioned that James Veness prevented senior classes had their own debate teams and
a steam engine accident at a steam flowering held oratorical contests. The Oberlin debate
mill. A crank pin came loose in a steam engine. team, called the Academy, held debates with local
Veness was able to stop the machine and made Ravensville and Oberlin High School students.
a new replacement pin. In another article, he Another debate team was a member of Ohio
complained about small children entering his Debating League and held debates with Western
shops playing pranks on him and his workman. Reserve University and Ohio Westley College.
Several tools were reported stolen. His business The ACME Literary Society member goal was
expanded into structural iron, castings, machine to think and speak on their feet during debates.
and engine repairs, sheet iron works, and The Greek Societies had their own debates.
smokestacks. This company was a contractor Thaddeus was not a member of the debating
for mill, farm, creamers, boiler and engine room team but participated in student activities such
works projects. as Music Union, Herbetta Sturagetta, secretary