Page 33 - voices November
P. 33
on deck” and that sure applies to Toastmasters. or chemical spill that forces you to delay your
One of the exciting benefits of living in a small normal routine.
town is the need for all able-bodied people to People should also have a minimum of five
get involved in the community. I serve on the weeks of food stockpiled in their home along
Board of Directors for two organizations, am an with a way to make clean water (bleach works).
active member of the local CERT (Community You need to have six weeks of medicine (at a
Emergency Response Team) organization, play minimum, preferably three months) on hand. If a
golf in a Men’s league, do Public Relations for massive earthquake strikes our region, roads and
a local yoga studio, and am VP of Membership bridges will be mostly out of commission which
for our club. Every time we meet there is an means our supply chain won’t function which
opportunity for every member to play a pivotal means grocery stores, pharmacies, hospitals, etc
role in the meeting. It offers our members a .. will NOT be able to get their normal “just in
chance to progress much faster than in a larger time” supplies. We have a personal responsibility
club. That said, if members cannot attend, we to our families to get and remain prepared. The
have to go to “Plan B” on the fly and it puts a American Red Cross, Costco, Amazon are all
heavy burden on our regular members. great resources for preparedness. My wife and
I have months of freeze-dried food stored in
As someone highly involved in emergency barrels in our garage and in our attic purchased
preparedness, what words of advice do from Thrive Life.
you have for us? Leanna Lindquist joined Toastmasters in 2009.
Everyone needs to have a 72-hour GoBag She has served in most club officer and district
in their car, at home, at work because you leadership roles. She is a member of Marylhurst
never know when a Cascadia earthquake might Toastmasters, Feedbackers, and Tell Me a Story
happen or a wildfire or a major traffic accident Toastmasters.