Page 38 - voices.10.2018
P. 38
It Was a Dark and Foggy Night . . .
Paul Fanning, DTM -
Club Coach Coordinator
When I was a new Toastmaster way back in ’05, around in—a low lying fog and chilly air. It was
I had heard about this club that had been the around Halloween time.
most active and had the largest membership in I walked into the building and saw the hand-
the whole area. I really wanted to see what they lettered signs showing me where to go. They
did that was so fantastic! They had won district, looked a little old, but . . . I entered the auditorium
division, and area speech contests for years. They where they met, expecting to see row upon row of
had more DTMs per capita than anyone else. seats filled with expectant Toastmasters waiting
I set off for the club meeting. It was one of for the speeches and table topics to begin. As I
those nights that you kind of dread driving walked in, I could hear unseen things scuttling
around the floor. Cobwebs festooned the lamps
on the walls, and at the head of the room were
three easy chairs facing the podium. Leaves
seemed to swirl around my
feet as I continued to walk
forward towards these chairs.
Suddenly a leathery face