Page 15 - voices.10.2018
P. 15


      Calling All

      Area Directors!

      Cate Arnold. DTM - Club Growth Director
                                                                          Club Visit Reports


          A big due date is approaching: club visit reports                 November 30th
      must be submitted by the end of November! The
      purpose of the reports is to help the clubs look

      at what is working well for them and what they
      could do to create better experiences for both
      members and guests. It also helps you to see if
      there are other ways you or the District might

      help the clubs.
      As you plan your date to visit the club with               Are meetings planned in advance, with an
      the club president, you might ask if they have             agenda, well-pepared speakers and useful
      a member willing to present the Moments of                 evaluations?

      Truth module the day you come. That module             5.  Membership Strength: Does the club have a
      mirrors the area club visit questions and helps            minimum of 20 members so that there are
      the participating members to think about how               a healthy number of members attending
      they are doing.                                            the meetings? How do they bring in new

      There are 6 areas of focus:                                members?
      1.  First Impressions: How are guests treated?  6.  Achievement Recognition: Does the club
          Can they find the room? Are they asked to              have a Success Plan to work towards to be a
          join?                                                  Distinguished club? Are members being asked

      2.  Membership Orientation: How are new                    to commit to educational goals so that they
          members treated? Are they assigned a mentor            will continue to learn and grow?
          who spends the time to understand what they            As an Area Director, you have the opportunity

          are trying to learn in Toastmasters and who  and responsibility to learn leadership and team
          encourages them to sign up for speaking  building skills. An important part of that is
          opportunities and other roles?                     practiced as you visit your clubs and consider how
      3.  Fellowship, Variety, and Communication:  they are doing and how to help them improve.

          Are the meetings fun, supportive, and a safe  Thanks for your time and your work using  the
          learning environment? Do members speak  Toastmasters core values of integrity, respect,
          with guests and with each other?                   service, and excellence!
      4.  Program Planning and Meeting Organization:

                                                                                 VOICES! | OCTOBER 2018       15
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