Page 12 - voices.10.2018
P. 12
Reflections on Membership Retention
Emilie Taylor, DTM - Program Quality Director
Thursday, October 11, was our first Fall Training because of the lessons I continuously learn every
offering—a Webinar on Membership Retention day due to Toastmasters.
and why retention matters. Our D7 Training Members join initially because of a single
Coordinator Kathleen Tully did an excellent job. reason or reasons. I joined because I needed
Thanks, Kathleen! friends. My brother mentioned that I can find
I take my role in our District seriously. I friends in a Toastmasters club. He was spot on!
oftentimes wonder why do we lose members Others join because their boss told them to. Still
and why do members stay. others join because they are afraid of public
I then asked myself after the webinar, why do speaking. There are a myriad reasons for joining.
I continue with my Toastmasters membership? What then if the original reason for joining has
Why do I keep attending meetings? Why continue been achieved? What do we do as a club to keep
giving speeches? And why do I continue taking our members from leaving? It is important to
on leadership roles in my clubs and outside the keep learning what our members need in their
clubs? journey.
There are 3 big categories of why I continue Some clubs have focus or specialties. For
to be a member: example, I am a member of Feedbackers that has
• The value of Toastmasters in my life the value of evaluation and becoming good at
• The connections I made and continue to it. I am also a member of TV Toastmasters Club
make which puts the value of learning how to navigate
• Recognition and Fun the television platform as a guest and host.
Now with Pathways there are many avenues
The Value and facets that can keep members engaged in
I belong to several clubs. I often joke that their journey and remain in your clubs.
I need an intervention—in a good a way. I
originally joined Toastmasters because I needed The Connections
friends. Yes, I joined for the “wrong” reason. Feeling connected to a club is very important
I stayed for all the right reasons. Some of my to me. Having a safe place to practice and fail
dearest friends are Toastmasters. When I think is doubly important. One of my clubs (Molalla
of my life now and then, there is no comparison. Toastmasters Club) has consistently received
My life is fuller, richer, and more motivating an evaluation—every time a guest visits, we ask