Page 27 - 2018 September Voices
P. 27
saying, ‘wow, wish I’d
never done that.’ I decided to make the Podcast then giving a speech about what I learned. I like
a series of videos about Pathways. [You can that. Toastmasters knows that my life isn’t totally
find all the videos by searching YouTube for Toastmasters (well, ok maybe my life is totally
“D7 Toastmasters Pathways Virtual Academy” Toastmasters. I am the D7 Pathways Coordinator,
or going to, clicking the after all). They know that Pathways is the tool to
Pathways tab and paging down.] I spent enough advance communication and leadership skills in
time doing my videos to realize how much time the outside world. It isn’t the final destination.
goes into making a good YouTube video. (Lots The challenge I’ve set for myself this next year
more time than I usually had!) I gained new is to finish a second Path (the one that involves
appreciation for those I watch on YouTube. networking <cringe> and social engagement
Now that I am in Level 5, I am looking <double cringe>). I know I am going to continue
backwards while moving forward (a great finding new and interesting projects for a while
metaphor but don’t actually do it because you longer—or until the other members of my club
will run into something). For me, Pathways was start down their own path and start telling me
and is enjoyable. I am learning while having what to do! I have 7 more Paths to explore.
fun—and the bulk of my learning is happening I enjoy being a trailblazer. I enjoy helping
outside my club. people find the right path for them. I enjoy
This is a change for me. Up until Pathways, troubleshooting Pathways. I really enjoy telling
I was preparing speeches and educational others how it’s supposed to be done (just kidding).
presentations specifically and solely for my club. I look forward to more Pathways in the coming
With Pathways, I am doing the majority of the year. How about you? Got Path?
work (in the upper Levels) outside the club and
For me, Pathways was and is enjoyable. I am learning while having fun—and the bulk of my learning is happening outside my club.