Page 11 - 2018 August Voices
P. 11


     Play Like a Kid

      Emilie Taylor, DTM
      Program Quality Director

       School is about to start for the kids. We are all  the assessment, and be positively surprised!
       kids at heart. Many kids look forward to school as        Do you Remember when you were a kid and
       they learn and grow more confident in learning  learned something new? Do you remember how

       new things. Play is a way of learning. When  excited you felt? Bring your kid at heart into new
       learning through play we have more fun. We  experiences and see great things happen.
       have now a new learning experience.
          The Pathways learning experience, our brand  Update on Club Officer Training

       new educational program, is truly changing lives.         A big shout out to all our club officers who
       Have you chosen your Path? These past several  attended makeup training. Thank you! It’s not
       months, I’ve heard comments from our members  too late if you haven’t. We have several training
       about how Pathways has ushered in a new way  dates posted on our District Calendar.

       of looking at the world. Their excitement is              Thank you to our Area Directors and Division
       palpable, and it makes me happy.                      Directors for organizing and coordinating these
          It makes me happy because taking on a new  makeup trainings. We truly appreciate your
       challenge changes us for the better. One member  service.

       shared her hesitation to be socially connected,
       yet her business needs the exposure. Building a  Chicago Convention

       social media presence when you are not socially           I am heading to Chicago with John and
       connected can be daunting. Pathways has given  Cate this week to attend the Toastmasters

       her the push needed to start on this path. Another  International Convention. I am excited to go
       member shared her expertise on how to make  and am looking forward to connecting with
       a vblog (or video blogging) in one of my clubs. I  other district leaders to learn new ideas that I
       was pleasantly surprised how simple it was when  can bring back to our District.

       you have the right application. I wouldn’t have           Have a great August!  Enjoy every bit of it!
       known had I not listened to that presentation.        Be a kid again, invite a friend or two to play and
          What about you? Are you still on the fence?  share a Path with you
       What are you waiting for? Take the plunge, take

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