Page 17 - Voices Feb 2018
P. 17
Being asked at 6AM by the coffee clerks
and the baristas ‘how my day is going so far’
is a ritualized question which seldom takes me
by surprise. I respond consciously with my
ritualized response, “great.” This curt snippet
sizes up to their ritualized, seemingly caring
question. Now we are even. It might be nice
to hear from the baristas, “What can I get for These interactions with others in the shops
you today”, or “thanks for coming in, and how and stores that we frequent may well serve to
may I help you.” remind us daily of the importance of the words
Someone who doesn’t even know me asks, which we speak and the fact that we should not
“What are your plans today?” “Do you have any be flying on auto-pilot. Our words have impact.
plans for the week-end?” This small talk meant Michael Notaro, Past International President,
to warm up the exchange of pleasantries seems summed up my point succinctly “Words count
so innocuous and kind until the person whom and ideas matter. What you say and how you
I don’t know makes a comment or two about say it is simply too important to leave to chance.
what I’ve shared with them in response to their What you say and how you say it determines
question. whether ideas flourish, die or live to fight another
Mr. Coffee, you have the power to change this day. What you say and how you say it shapes your
country’s culture with your army of employees. hopes, your dreams and yes, even your destiny.”
Work begins at home. Why do I continue to The real test of how we communicate
frequent your shops? The coffee is good, but the with one another is stopping to ask ourselves
service is spotty. I also want to live long enough the question. Did I feel good when I left that
to hear. “Thanks for coming in today, we really exchange with another person with a yummy
appreciate your business.” Genuine, unscripted, after taste or was the give-get so-so, and not so
welcoming offerings. tasty?
In America we are experiencing the era of too Terry Beard initially joined Arlington Club
much ritualized dialog. We need to get real and Toastmasters in 2001. He co-founded Portland Rotary
relate to each other as real people rather than by Toastmasters in 2015.
canned scripting which is stilted and lacking in Terry is the author of Squelched - Succeeding
warmth. What’s the matter with baristas saying, in Business and Life by Finding Your Voice,
“Good morning, what can I help you with this published in 2017 and available on
morning?” If we want to tell them how our day
is going – fine. But sometimes, we just don’t
want our temperature taken; we just want a hot
cup of coffee. Baristas are coffee makers not
psychotherapists. Let’s cut the ritualized yak, yak
and talk like real people, not like mechanized,
scripted coffee machines. I’d rather not rant. But
two bucks for a 50 cent cup of coffee demands
customer service at the highest of levels.