Page 16 - Voices Feb 2018
P. 16
Flying on Autopilot,
Ritualized Communication
Terry Beard
Robotic, ritualized speech/communication speak. The buyer-seller service war is driven by
patterns serve to create stilted, impersonal ritualized communication, by poor customer
dialogue at home, at work, and at play. So often relations training, and the lack of civility from
we meet up with friends, family and service the customers. The majority of us, when we
people in retail establishments who begin communicate too often, fly on automatic-pilot.
dialogue with canned phrases like “How’s We do not stop to think about the words we
your day going so far?” or “How are you?”, well speak, their intonation, and the impact on
meaning but trite and semi-intrusive. others. The shop clerks and the customers do
In the retail space, there seems to be a great not pause to think about the impact of their
deal of disconnect about what constitutes a great words. As a result, the war is spiraling down
customer service experience, between the shop the spirit levels of everyone’s expectations. Our
clerks attitude towards the customer and an society is continually flying to lower altitudes
attempt at good customer relations. Whether of appreciation and gratitude. All of which is
we are in a coffee shop, talking with someone in driven by all of us accepting lower levels of
a call center or retail store, we need to bob and communication standards and expectations
weave through a gauntlet of behavior patterns in our transactions.
which sets us up to be on the receiving end of For years I’ve started my day at the local
an onslaught of ritualized communication. coffee shop. Upon arrival, when it becomes my
We are in a civility service war, and many of turn, I ask, “May I have a tall double-cupped
us are completely unaware of the fact that we medium roast, please?” After placing my java
are on a battlefield being waged by the words we order, I observe and hear the cacophony of
commotion and attitude which creates the
ambiance for me and the queue of folks
Hey dude! Great! Fantastico! waiting for their special drinks. As I wait
Whuz up??
How’s it goin’?
for my freshly-brewed java, I muster up the
courage to do mental martial arts with the
coffee shop staff, invariably, as a-time filler
between ordering my java and the time to exit
the shop. I wait, it will come, a question or two
about my personal life.
One must be on guard and prepared to have
their emotional temperature taken. “How is
your day going so far?” I respond, “Excellent.”