Page 27 - November 2017 Voices
P. 27

Getting Better and Better


                    Public speaking used to be one of my  while answering.
 by Harvey Schowe, DTM - District 7 Historian  least favorite things to do, my hands got sweaty   I know I haven’t yet completed the journey

      and shaky and I felt like I was about to drown in  and probably won’t for a long time, but I can say
      my own anxiety. I felt like fainting any time I have  without a doubt I am starting to enjoy the time I
      to get on the stage—it was the last thing I’d want  spend at Future Stars. As much as I hate to admit
      to do. After being a member of Future Stars, for a  it to my parents, Toastmasters has really helped
      little over a year now, I can sincerely say that this  me step out of the small bubble, my comfort
      club has helped me get over the fear of speaking  zone and now waking up on those Saturday
      and opened up my hidden potential. Since that  mornings doesn’t seem so bad. I know that a
      first disastrous day at Future Stars, I have gained  lot of people don’t get the chance to be apart of
      skills to help me with delivering, communicating  something like this so I am very thankful for the
      and understanding things in ways I had not  opportunity to attend and learn in an environ-
      been able to do so before. It wouldn’t have been  ment that is safe, welcoming and comfortable.
      too bad if the only thing I had to do was write  My journey began with me realizing my own
      speeches, for me that was the easy part. The  fears of public speaking and now facing those
                                         obstacle was the  fears has not only helped and inspired me along
                                         actual speaking.  the way but others as well.
                                         When I would get        Areebah Zaidi is 15 and a sophomore in high
                                         up on that stage,  school. Her life consists of school, art, friends and
                                         my mind would  family. She aims to learn new things and master
                                         go completely  the skills she has not yet succeeded in, one of them
                                         blank and the  being public speaking.
                                         writing on my           Future Stars Gavel Club, is a youth communication
                                         note cards would  and leadership club administered by Toastmasters
                                         look like scribbles.  International, helping the young people of today
                                         It was as if my  become the great leaders of tomorrow! The club is
                                         mind had been  open to all middle school and high school aged kids. It
                                         wiped clean and  gives them the opportunity to become better listeners,
                                         I had forgotten  thinkers, speakers and leaders.
      how to speak or even read. From being put into             The club meets weekly during the school year
      roles I didn’t want to do and being called to the  every Saturday from 10:30am-12:00pm at 4115 SW
      stage as a table topics speaker, soon turned into  160th Avenue, Beaverton, Oregon 97007 in the first
      voluntarily stepping into roles. Yes, I still don’t  room in the portal. To learn more about Future Stars
      like table topics but now I use that  to reflect back  or to visit the club, pleas contact Coach Humaira at
      onto and continue my growth and learning.     Visitors are encouraged to
          My struggles with speaking were broken  visit the club and see for themselves why Future Stars
      down and piece by piece, with every meeting I  should be part of their educational journey.
      attended and I was surprised how I learned to
      overcome them. I realized this on the day of
      our final meeting, like every other member I               If you want to conquer
      was called onto the stage to answer a table topics         fear, don’t sit home and
      question. When I stepped onto that stage and
      looked at all of my fellow members and their               think about it. Go out and
      families, I realized that I wasn’t nervous. I stood
      on that stage and answered the question “What              get busy—Dale Carnegie
      has Toastmasters helped you with?”, I was able to
      add humour on the spot as well as feel confident

      VOLUME 4 ISSUE 5 NOVEMBER, 2017                                                                        27
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