Page 22 - November 2017 Voices
P. 22


                                    Maria Lee:

                                    A Steadfast Toastmaster

                                    by Brinn Hemmingson, ACG, CL

          Maria got into Toastmasters a bit differently.       to open your
      She said, “I got my husband Rusty interested,            mind and soul
      then he joined, and after a couple years I joined.”      to get out of it
           Maria has been a member of about 4 - 5              what is there
      different clubs. At this time there are just two;        to do to help,
      Evergreen is her home club, and Thrill of the            and especially
      Quill. She has held all club officer roles. At District,   what you as
      she’s been Area Governor (twice), and Division           the individual
      Governor (Governor of the Year 2006-2007).               needs. I have
      Gary Schmidt actually gave her the plaque at             watched many
      the District meeting. She has also been Chief            people come
      Judge and Contest Chair for the District. I’ve seen      and go from the
      her in many similar roles at Area and Division
      contests too.                                            clubs, and have
          Maria said, “I have never competed at District       often wondered
      level but have taught at both TLI and District           what made them stop coming. At my home
      conferences.”                                            club, we ask this question at the end of every
           I asked, how has Toastmasters helped you            meeting – ‘Are you having fun?  If not, how can
      with career or relationships. “The only way I can        we help to make it fun.’  If the atmosphere is
      answer this  - Toastmasters has given me the voice       not conducive to learning and having fun, the
      to say something when needed (at certain times)          participants get bored/upset and lose the ability
      and the wisdom to know when. I would just take           to learn and then leave. I feel that a good club
      what was given and say nothing.”                         should always be fun for everyone and then
          “When it comes to talking about Toastmasters,        you as the leader can help when needed and
      I usually ask if they would like to spend an evening     in a way that won’t alienate the member and/
      with friends and just go from there. I have found        or guests.”
      the best time to ask them to a meeting is at an              Change is the law of life. And those who look only
      Open House or Contest. ”Maria said, “I enjoy what        to the past or present are certain to miss the future.
      Toastmasters does to the individual. You need            John F Kennedy

          Communication—the human connection—is the

          key to personal and career success.

                                                                                             —Paul J. Meyer

         22                                                                VOLUME 4 ISSUE 5 NOVEMBER, 2017
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