Page 17 - September 2017 Voices
P. 17
Solar Eclipse: Cosmic Lessons
by Lisa Hutton, ACB, ALB
On Monday, August 21, 2017 a total solar sandwich. It went so well, we asked James Wantz
eclipse unified and captivated people around the to share his knowledge about stage psychology
country and the world. The few moments when and effective movement a few weeks later. Both
the moon blocked the sun was truly magical. It workshops were well attended by members
was a sensory experience unlike anything else. and guests. Better yet, since then, one guest has
Two important factors, marketing and providing
stage time (both necessary to maintaining a become a member of our club and another is
successful Toastmasters club), can be learned likely to join.
by examining this cosmic event. Making a memorable connection with
The solar eclipse was scheduled to present others is what each of us strives to do when
itself on a specific day and time. The path of we speak. Although none of us will likely ever
totality was pinpointed to certain cities across captivate an audience as large as the total solar
the United States thus guaranteeing viewers the eclipse, Toastmasters does provide a safe and
best possible show. It’s clear that by marketing supportive environment for people to get in
an event, it increases the likelihood that people front of others (stage time) to practice speaking
will come. When was the last time your club on a regular basis. To help emphasize the value
had an open house, special event or workshop? of practice, one of the many benefits of being a
Not only do events bring in guests and potential
new members, specific workshops can help all Toastmaster, consider reciting, at the opening of
members in the club to improve their skills. each meeting, the mission of a Toastmaster club.
My club, Marylhurst Toastmasters, recently “We provide a supportive and positive learning
had two workshops to boost summer attendance experience in which members are empowered
and invigorate our meetings. In July, Eric Winger to develop communication and leaderships
shared his expertise on evaluations and provided skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and
us with a new framework that goes beyond the personal growth.”
Creekside Toastmasters: meets at 7:00am in Beaverton every Wednesday at Murry Hills Christian Church
Columbian Club: meets at noon in St. Helens every Thursday at Americas Best Value Inn on Columbia River Hwy
Toastmasters of the Universe: meets at 11:30 in Portland every Tuesday on 2030 NW Pettygrove St.
Please contact me at if you’re interested.