Page 12 - September 2017 Voices
P. 12
by Emilie Taylor, DTM—Club Growth Director
How many of you were inspired by Eclipse, paradigm shifts come from events
the Eclipse that happened on August 21st? and experiences around us. When they come to
Something that you see and experience once mind, write them down and share with others.
in a lifetime and can change your life. While Remember, each one of us is what makes a club.
you witnessed the total eclipse here in Oregon,
I had my total eclipse in Vancouver, BC. I was at Renewals—Please turn in your club dues.
the Toastmasters International Convention for Remember, to be
training. Wow! Joining Toastmasters can create in good standing
an eclipse of thought. As a first-time attendee, with Toastmasters
I realized how Toastmasters changes lives all International, a club
over the world. Our successes and struggles in must have 8 paid
our District are echoed by the same successes members by October
and struggles in other Districts. Concerns and 1st.
challenges in Toastmasters reaches across New Club Update—Congratulations to
country boundaries and are universal. I am Toast of Old Town Toastmasters, a club that
inspired every time I visit a club and hear stories chartered in September! This club was started
of the transformative power of Toastmasters. by Hillarie Hunt of NWEA. Thank you Hillarie
My interactions in the training process provided and all charter members! And thank you to Ted
feedback and more ideas and ways to support Takamura and Kathleen Tully, for stepping in as
our clubs. I continually learn how to better serve mentors. We wish our newest club all the success!
in my role and carry forward our District mission Interested in chartering a new club?
of building new clubs and supporting all clubs Please contact Emilie Taylor, cgd@
in achieving excellence. We have incentives for those
Inspiration can grow your club. whose new club leads result in a kickoff meeting.
How can sharing create an Eclipse for you?
Where do you find inspiration every day to do
what you need for your club and yourself? The
answer—Eclipse and paradigm shift. We change
the way we look at challenges in our clubs. Are
they challenges to make us struggle or could
they be opportunities to make ourselves and
clubs grow stronger and become more fun
and exciting? It’s an inside job for all of us. If
you are so inspired to take action, reach out. If
your club is needing some love, and you need a
coach to help bring that new or renewed energy
to propel your club to the next level, we have a
Club Coach Program for you. We have many
that have been there, grew, and want to pay it
forward by helping you and your club.