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requirement to conduct any two presentations Leader (CL) or both, or any level of awards
from The Successful Club Series and/or The beyond those, it will be entirely possible to earn
Leadership Excellence Program. all awards up to and including Distinguished
Advancing to Advanced Leader Silver means Toastmaster (DTM) through the current system
serving a year as a district officer. There is also a only, if desired. The following diagram depicts
requirement to complete the High Performance the current pathways, with some approximate
Leadership (HPL) program. This may take a ranges of the time required to achieve each
while, but is often done while serving as a District award. The time frames offered make the
Officer. Serving successfully as a Club sponsor, following assumptions:
mentor or coach depends on a Club within your • Membership in one Toastmasters Club
geographical and schedule constraints requiring • Club membership of 20 in that one Club
your help, your providing the assistance, AND • Weekly Club meetings
the club succeeding. Again, this is often done • Two prepared speeches per meeting
while serving as a District Officer. So in as little • Even rotation of speaking assignments
as eighteen (18) or twenty-four (24) months, among members
many Toastmasters are able to complete the
Leadership Track successfully. Participating in contests (which usually
When the Pathways program rolls out involves extra practice), speaking outside
in our District (currently scheduled in pencil your home Club and joining more than one
for 9/15/2017 for District 7), members will be Toastmasters Club are all ways to shorten the
able to choose educational awards from the time required to achieve these educational
current program, the Pathways program, or any awards.
combination. Members who join after Pathways I’m excited and eager for the new
rolls out may only choose the Pathways awards. Pathways program to launch. I hope you are,
Two (2) years after the final global Pathways as well. Irrespective of your feelings about it
roll-out, approximately three (3) years from (and as more and more information becomes
this fall, all educational awards will be earned available it is entirely possible those feelings may
through Pathways. change), I encourage each of you to determine
For those members who have achieved your goals in Toastmasters, and to pursue them
Competent Communicator (CC), Competent rigorously.
VOLUME 3 ISSUE 12 JUNE, 2017 37