Page 36 - Voices 6.2017
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Getting Educated about
Educational Paths
by Ken Coomes, ACB, CL
Everyone wants to Advanced Communicator Bronze Award. Twelve
know about the new (12) speeches after attaining ACB a member
Educational Program, might earn the Advanced Communicator
Pathways. Some people Silver Award. This assumes ten (10) more
are anxious about the advanced speeches, five (5) from each of two
change, others eagerly await the roll-out. Let me (2) more Advanced Manuals, AND any two (2)
share a perspective on what’s coming, relating presentations from The Better Speaker Series
it to what we have now. and/or The Successful Club Series.
Today the Toastmasters International In order to gain the Advanced Communicator,
program offers two “pathways” - Communication, Gold Award, a Toastmaster must complete eleven
and Leadership. You may have heard of them (11) more speeches, again five (5) each from
as “tracks.” Each is a path, or pathway, as well. two (2) more Advanced Speaking manuals, and
One from your Ice Breaker through Advanced a presentation from the Success/Leadership
Communicator Gold. The other pathway Series, Success/Communication Series, or Youth
from your first achievement in the Competent Leadership. To earn ACG the Toastmaster must
Leadership Manual through Advanced Leader also coach a new member through the first
Silver. Combined they offer a road map from three (3) speech projects. Since we can’t give two
joining Toastmasters through achieving the speeches simultaneously, only the coaching may
acclaimed Distinguished Toastmaster, or DTM, be done in parallel with the other achievements
designation. Along the way you can achieve on the Communications Track. If you give a
seven (7) acknowledged awards before becoming speech a week, it would take a minimum of
a DTM: CC, ACB, ACS, ACG, CL, ALB and ALS. 43 weeks to complete this track. In a twenty-
Pathways offers ten (10) “pathways. member club, with two speeches scheduled/
• Motivational Strategies week and an even rotation among the members,
• Presentation Mastery it would take 430 weeks to deliver 43 speeches.
• Leadership Development Obviously speaking outside the club, belonging
• Innovative Planning to more than one club, and/or competing are
• Visionary Communication all ways to shorten the timeline for completing
• Strategic Relationships the Communications Track.
• Dynamic Leadership The minimum number of roles to fill
• Persuasive Influence in the Competent Leadership (CL) manual is
• Effective Coaching twenty-one (21), twenty-two (22) if you take the
• Team Collaboration two-role option to complete the Team Building
And each of those has five (5) levels of Project. These can be done more quickly than
accomplishment: Mastering Fundamentals, delivering the speeches. In Projects 1-5 and 7
Learning Your Style, Increasing Knowledge, the roles are all those typically filled during a
Building Skills and Demonstrating Expertise. regular Toastmasters Club meeting. It takes more
This means at least ten (5) acknowledged awards time to complete Project 6, Organization and
(Level 5 in each pathway), possibly fifty (50), each Delegation. Project 9, Mentoring, falls outside
level of each pathway! the normal meeting roles also, but may be done
How many Toastmasters Clubs do you in parallel with other project activities. The CL
attend? How often do you give a speech? Today’s Award is relatively easy to achieve in a year, or
educational program takes ten (10) speeches to even less. To earn Advanced Leader Bronze a
achieve the Competent Communicator Award. Toastmaster must serve six (6) months as a club
It requires ten (10) more speeches, 5 in each of officer, participating in District-sponsored club
two Advanced Speaking Manuals, to achieve the officer training while serving. There is also a
36 VOLUME 3 ISSUE 12 JUNE, 2017