Page 37 - aprl 2017 Voices
P. 37

today’s world, consistent product awareness is          time and day.
      not hard to do. Social media allows you to send             The more often you can get your club name
      automated messages based on a schedule you              and your product before your potental buyers,
      select. But savvy public relations and marketing        the faster you can cure your club’s case of
      professonals use multiple approaches to get their       empty-seat-itis.
      clients’ products in front of potential buyers.             Whch leads us—smack, dab—into product
         Well, guess what—you can do the same thing!          delivery.
      For very little cost, your club can get the word            Have you ever gotten sucked into buyng
      out to your community. Flyers, free postings to         one of those “as-seen-on-TV” offers where the
      online bulletn boards, social media, television         product looked like it would be a wonderful
      and radio spots, blogs, human interest articles         addition to your life? Do you remember the rush
      in the local papers, conversations in networking        of excitement when you knew—just knew—it was
      groups, and talking in the grocery store checkout       the exact product you’d been looking for? Then
      lines are just a few of the avenues your club           when you got it home, it was a dud?
      can use in your club’s marketng                             Yeah, I know. Your disappointment outweighed
      campaign. Consistent exposure,                                 your anticipation exponentially. You
      like the drip, drip, drip of a faucet                            then punished the company by telling
      is more effectve that an occasional                               everyone who’d listen what a terrble
      media blast.                                                               product it was.
         But consistent awareness takes work
      and creativity. Here’s a secret you can use                                     Well, here’s the sad truth.
      to your club’s advantage — sometimes public                                 If your club meetings don’t
      relations requires you to create the news so you                             meet the expectations of your
      can report on it. Is your club experencing a dry                             members, they won’t renew.
      period? Start a new project and write about it:                              And worse yet, they will tell
      XYZ Toastmasters recognizes members who. . .                             everyone who’ll listen about their
      end with your club name, location, and meeting                              impression of your club.
      time and day.                                                                     Last month’s article was
         Is nothing spectacular happening in your
                                                                                     focused on discovering what
      club that’s worth writing about? Perhaps you                                  your members wanted from
      just need a new perspective! Consider looking
      for connections between what your members               your club. If you know what your members
      are learning in your club and what’s happening          expect from their membership, you will be in
      in your community. Connect the dots for your            a better position to keep your chairs filled. But
      potental members.                                       that’s only one facet of your product delivery
         Blog about events in your members’ lives.            system. Does your club have a culture of giving
      For example: Mary Smith, a member of XYZ                only prepared speeches using the educatonal
                                                              manuals? Are your members giving evaluatons
      Toastmasters, spoke before the school board last        that offer the speaker feedback they can use? Are
      evening. Her argument in favor of school sports         table topics giving members an opportunty to
      was delivered usng an easy-to-follow three-             stretch and learn new skills? Do your members
      point structure. She answered questions from the        engage with the speaker, or do they look and act
      school board clearly and succinctly. Mary credts        like they are simply waiting for the speech to
      Toastmasters for her ablty to speak under pressure.     end? How are guests treated? What is the climate
      She . . . end with your club name, location, and        of your club—warm and friendly or tepid and
      meeting time and day.                                   cliquish? Are you sure?
         Or, write an article for that well-delivered             Filling your chairs requires consistent
      speech: Joe Johns, member of XYZ Toastmasters,          attention and commitment. By being creative
      spoke on the growng trend in jaywalkng in the           in how you talk up your club, using more than
      ABC neighborhood. He . . . end with your club           one approach (product awareness) and creating
      name, location, and meeting time and day.               a fun, learning environment where visitor and
         Every member has a story. Mine those                 member expectatons are met (product delivery),
      nuggets and shout them to the world. Remember           you wll be able to get the elephant off the table
      to  include your club name, location, and meeting       and cure your club’s case of empty-chair-itis.

        VOLUME 3 ISSUE 10 APRIL, 2017                                                                         37
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