Page 36 - aprl 2017 Voices
P. 36
by Phyllis A. Harmon, DTM - Public Relations Manager
Before we get into this month’s topic, let’s International’s spent over 90 years developing a
talk about the elephant in the room. You know best-of-class curriculum, and are now launchng
the elephant—membership renewals (said in a a major revision district by district.
stage whisper). Okay, enough about that dang elephant
Every six months we hold our collective blocking the light—for now!
breath hoping our club members renew. None Our focus this month is product awareness
of us ever cajole, beg, or prostrate ourselves and delivery systems. Hmmm, that sounds a
before members to keep them in the fold . . . little like ‘corporate-speak’ doesn’t it? Hey, there
right? Sure. Uh huh. Not so fast wth the denials is no reason why we can’t borrow a few tips or
please. I’ve seen the emails and heard the best practices from the business world, is there?
whispering in the corners. Let’s start wth product awareness. Beginning
For those of you shaking your heads and with the July 2017 issue of Voices!, we’ve discussed
sporting smug smiles, don’t be too quick to revel several different methods for publicizing your
in your current membership count. Remember club. You might want to review those for tips on
that every club chartered with 20 or more gettng your club’s name before your potential
members. Economic shifts, lost of preceived audience. You can find them stored at http://
value, and a host of other unforeseen life events
can decimate even the strongest club. Product awareness is about getting your
So, what happened? Why did your members club’s name and what you offer before the
leave—Career changes? Personality conflicts? buying public. It isn’t an activity that happens
Bored? Life happened? The reasons don’t occasonally, when the mood strikes. It’s an
much matter, do they? Your members are ongoing consistent campaign of exposure. In
gone, and now you have
For those of you who
are deciding whether
the loss wll impact your
ability to participate in
the Distinguished Club
program, it’s good you’re
focused on meetng your
goals. But, adding new
members to your club
base has nothing to do
with gaining points.
It has everythng to do
wth providing a great
product that current and
potential members are
eager to buy.
We have a great
product. Toastmasters