Page 18 - 2016 July voices
P. 18


Fun in the Morning With Yaquina Toastmasters

By Marisa N.C. Litz, CC, Secretary, Yaquina Toastmasters

                                         Members of Yaquina  for “Word of the Day,” and information on
Toastmasters in Newport, Oregon, get up early on             where we meet for potential newcomers. Our
Tuesday mornings for their weekly 7 a.m. break-              youngest member, recent high-school grad-
fast meetings at the Pig ’N Pancake restaurant               uate, and Vice President of Public Relations,
on Highway 101. By 8 a.m., when most people                  Lauralee Norris, has exciting plans for elevating
are just beginning their day, club members have              our status on social media this year, so stay
already achieved a sense of accomplishment.                  tuned! She is supported by her father, Brian
Yaquina Toastmasters was founded over 50                     Norris, who is also our club President.
years ago and continues to attract new members
despite meeting at such an early hour. Our                       Yaquina Toastmasters achieved
club consists of long-standing members, many                 Distinguished Status in May 2016. We did this
of whom are retired and have been attending                  by supporting one another and by making
meetings for over 20 years, and new recruits                 our meetings a welcoming and fun space for
from a cross-section of the community: students,             ourselves and the community in general.
scientists, professionals, small-business owners, a          We track our progress on poster boards and
writer and a city councilor.Yaquina Toastmasters             encourage guests to join us for a delicious
value positive attitudes, respect, support and               breakfast. We even celebrate the holidays with
growth, but above all we strive to create a fun              appropriately themed speeches and activities.
and safe learning environment. The experienced
old-timers draw upon their collective decades                    Each year, we host the Newport Loyalty
of experience to gently mentor and guide the                 Days Court as members of the Court prepare
newcomers. One of our long-standing members                  public speeches. The Loyalty Days Court
and Vice President of Education, Dave Coffman,               consists of bright and talented young women
made it all the way to the World Championship                nominated for their public service to repre-
of Public Speaking in Las Vegas in 2012. Dave is             sent Newport during a parade that recognizes
a gifted speaker and an inspiration to us all. Each          the heritage of American freedom. Yaquina
week, we hear one or two manual speeches and                 Toastmasters helps these young women polish
Table Topics. The goals of our speech evalua-                their public personas and to exemplify the
tions are to highlight positive attributes of the            cross-generational community spirit that we
speech and provide constructive feedback for                 wish to convey.
future growth. After the speech evaluations, we
eagerly await to hear who won the coveted Table                  Join us every Tuesday morning from 7–7:50
Topics trophy, an esteemed honor. The victors                a.m. at the Pig ’N Pancake restaurant in
are encouraged to take the trophy home for the               Newport.
week and proudly display it to his or her friends,
family and co-workers.

    One of the best examples of effective
cross-generational communication at Yaquina
Toastmasters is our use of social media in
promoting our club. We encourage readers
to check out and “like” our Facebook page,
“Newport Toastmasters,” where we post photos
of the Table Topics winners along with helpful
information on public speaking, suggestions

18 Volume 3 Issue 1 - JULY 2016
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