Page 14 - Voices.May.2016
P. 14


          Salem Toastmasters Club #138 Part 2

                 by Harvey Schowe DTM-District 7 Historian

        How Frederick Eley became involved              Some Salem Toastmasters club members
with Salem Forum club and its organization        were prominent in the Salem community.
as a Toastmasters club remains unknown.           For instance, the club members included the
Toastmasters Magazine has no articles about       Salem mayor, a Oregon hotel chain owner,
this club until after it chartered. Since, Eley   Salem postmaster, an optometrist, and the
was a past Toastmasters International Treasurer   State Industrial Accident Commissioner, among
and Director, he probably played a key part.      others. Four members of Salem Toastmasters
He closed his Santa Ana, California office        became District Governors including Frederick
December 1937 and started his Salem architec-     Eley 1940-1941, Charles McElhinny 1943-1944,
tural practice. He was involved in several Salem  Robert Batdorf, 1955-1956, and H. J. “Harry”
civic groups such as Chamber of Commerce,         LaDou.
Lions Club, and YMCA. The Salem YMCA
continued providing public speaking classes           LaDou moved to San Diego in mid 1940s’
through 1937 where Forum Club met Tuesday         where he joined San Diego Toastmasters Club #
evenings.                                         7. He served as District 5 Governor in 1948-1949
                                                  before becoming a Toastmasters International
        Salem Toastmasters Club #138 received     Director.
its charter Tuesday evening April 17, 1939 at
thet Marion Hotel, Salem, Oregon. The first           Robert Nixon, Salem Toastmasters, was
club officers were president; Dr. Henry E.        the first District 7 member to participate in
Morris, Vice President; Barkley Newman and        Toastmasters International Speech contest
Secretary-Treasurer; Frederick H. Eley. The       in 1941. Dan Hay participated in the District
charter program is summarized below.              2 speech contest finals in 1939 and inter club

                                                      Members helped organize Capital
                                                  Toastmasters club # 391 and Albany
                                                  Toastmasters club # 307. Albany club members
                                                  were responsible for organizing the Corvallis
                                                  Toastmasters club #395. These clubs formed
                                                  the core of the Capitol Division. In May 3,
                                                  1947, the Salem and Capitol Toastmasters
                                                  clubs hosted the District 7 Spring Conference
                                                  at the Salem Chamber of Commerce. Salem
                                                  Toastmaster remains an active club.

14 Volume 2 Issue 11 - MAY 2016
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