Page 13 - Voices.May.2016
P. 13

These experiences happened in my 20’s.          feedback that has helped me to greatly improve
They were great experiences, but that’s all I had   my speaking skills, and I’ve had the opportunity
to go on for the next 20-30 years of making         to help others improve theirs. Truly great stuff!
                                                        If you have a dream, ask not what a speaker
    I’d heard of Toastmasters, my old girlfriend    can do for you—and for goodness sake,
had been in Toastmasters at one point. I thought I  don’t wait fourscore and seven years. Join
was a pretty good speaker. Every so often, I would  Toastmasters today!
hear someone that was really a great speaker. It
made me realize that I had a lot to learn.              Michael Reunert joined Wallmasters
                                                    International in 2013. He has earned his Competent
    Finally, two years ago, I joined Toastmasters.  Communicator award, and is working towards his
I was invited by Ulrike Mengelberg, a member        Advanced Communicator Bronze.
of Wallmasters International. I met people who
were truly great speakers. I heard them give           Answers to the quiz:
speeches, and I heard them give and receive            1. Martin Luther King’s march on Washington
feedback. I was hooked!                                2. John F Kennedy’s inaugural address
                                                       3. Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg address
    As a member of Toastmasters, I have an
opportunity to speak nearly every week. I receive

Congratulations Incoming

District Director                                   Leanna Lindquist
Program Quality Director                            Donna Stark
Club Growth Director                                Cathy French
Division A Director                                 Nena Heitz
Division B Director                                 John Rodke
Division C Director                                 Lyle Schellenberg
Division D Director                                 David Johnson
Division E Director                                 Emilie Taylor
Division F Director                                 Dottie Love
Division G Director                                 Peter DeGraaf
Division I Director                                 Joe Polk

Elected Executive Team

Volume 2 Issue 11 - MAY 2016                                           13
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