Page 24 - 2016 february issue
P. 24

and headlamps upon their foreheads, and the         the latest craze among the skinny-jean hipster
general mood was that of a piratical adventure      crowd.
to dig up treasure-- in this case gigantic clams
the size of footballs. Unfortunately, clamming          Brenda cried in dismay because she hates
has to be done at low tide and the smell was        drug cocktails and Dr. Joe must have adminis-
ghastly, barely held at bay with the breeze and     tered one when she came into his clinic to get
                                                    a third arm-- to help her with the workload
                                                    at her family business. Instead, Brenda got
                                                    an extra toe on the back of her heel, which
                                                    is just stupid and not what she ordered at all.
                                                    Brenda saw someone to whom she might be
                                                    able to complain, but Phyllis took off at a sprint.
                                                    Brenda tried to explain to Phyllis but the drugs
                                                    made her lips numb and all that would come
                                                    out were scary noises…she thinks… because her
                                                    ears were not working all that well either. Her
                                                    eyes, however, were working well enough to
                                                    see that she and Phyllis had picked up loads of
                                                    leeches from the muddy ditch. But, wow, was
                                                    she stoned! Everything on the beach looked like
                                                    Fantasia to her eyes. RAINBOWS AND WATER
                                                    FALLS! Brenda kept flicking her leech-fingers,
                                                    trying to make them fly off and hit Phyllis to
                                                    get her to turn around.

the rain that was abating.                              Tylor, AKA groundskeeper Dark Willie,
    The passengers shot beams from their head-      was annoyed. First by the flare from Joe
                                                    Frankenstein, his boss, summoning him to
lamps at random as they thrashed about on the       the maze. Secondly he was annoyed that this
beach, until they heard a woman crying out          newest Brenda-beast had broken through the
for help. At that moment all of the headlights      neurotoxin thorn hedge, apparently so stoned
focused upon Phyllis, who loomed out of the         that she could not feel the burning pain due to
dark, scratched, bloodied, with ripped clothes      the drug cocktail overdose from the clinic. Dark
and wild, bramble-laden hair, screaming, and        Willie hunted Brenda and found her talking
alarmingly close. The shambling horror soon         to some clam diggers on the beach, at which
followed, making a dreadful noise, and it flared    point he decided to lead the clam diggers and
bright as all of the headlights focused upon the    the new Brenda-beast to the cave where the
pursuer. Its hand had another hand attached         other beasts were trapped, untended and unfed.
to it, so it looked to have 10 fingers on her left  Dark Willie decided to serve the newcomers to
hand, all extended and wriggling, closing like a    the starving beasts in the cave so he could get
crab claw! Suddenly, all the shipmates formed       back to his video game, which was interrupted
a panicked circle as they chased each other         by that darned flare.
around and around, screaming in terror, each
assuming the fellow in front of them knew               Lynn shrieked when Phyllis crashed into her,
how to escape. Instead they formed a terror-        and recognized Brenda from a Toastmasters
tornado. Phyllis saw this and took a deep breath    meeting. Lynn collected some of the leeches
to yell. . .                                        from Brenda and put them into a Petrie dish
                                                    with some seaweed-- to grow a fabric from
    Don chose to visit Joe’s surgical clinic to     which she could make special socks with a toe-
have some leeches removed. Don was offered          hole at the heel. She also wanted to experiment
all sorts of exciting spare body parts-- to be      with the fabric and dye it. Lynn hoped that
attached to his body like hood ornaments. Don       this process might be a commercial success if
chose instead to have the leeches preserved         developed a little farther.
and took them home to serve as pets, which is
                                                        Serena wandered from the main group to

24 Volume 2 Issue 7 - FEBRUARY 2016
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