Page 23 - 2016 february issue
P. 23
Tell Me A Story
by Members of Storymasters Toastmasters
On Thursday, February 3, 2016, the members of Joe wanted to redecorate the human body
Storymasters gathered for an evening of story- using modern technology to 3-d print organs
telling. Each member was given a word or sound to and parts not available in the basic human
open their segment of the continuing story. For 90 model, like an extra toe on the back of the heel.
minutes, the members wove a tale of high suspense Powdered pig skin could make ears, noses,
and tension-filled terror, wth odd moments of or hands with the 3-d printer, or really any
hilarious happenings. The following story was whimsical appendage he chose. Furthermore,
captured by Jonathan Burgess, and edited by Joe to combat boredom, he had the groundskeeper
Anthony. [editor] assemble a maze and watchtower, so Dr. Joe
Phyllis stumbled through a dark and could watch his surgical wonders exercise,
stormy night with only one thought; delight when his shambling horrors escaped,
to escape the cold, wet hand she could nearly or occasionally, the dogs.
feel upon the back of her neck, reaching from
the shadows just behind her. It was too dark On the dark and stormy night in question
to see and too noisy from the pounding rain Dr. Joe needed a new—playmate (victim)—and
to hear the owner of that dreadfully wet hand, he kidnapped Phyllis to join his menagerie.
but she could feel it, coming closer and closer When she crashed through the hedge of his
as she struggled forward, or at least away. She maze (most unexpected!), Joe shot a flare from
recklessly crashed through thorny bushes this watchtower to summon Dark Willie, the
disregarding the shredding of her clothes and groundskeeper, to retrieve his plaything. In the
skin-- to slow the pursuing hand’s inescapable glare, Dr. Joe also noticed a Zodiac boat with its
intent. lights out, at the edge of his Potemkin village
Suddenly, Phyllis came out onto a road full of manikins, which he built to torment
that was undetectable a moment before, and escapees from the Maze. “What the heck is
her hoping heart leapt at what appeared to be going on here?” he asked himself. “Really, what
a car. Salvation! A bright light rushed toward is the world coming to?”
her. But it was too fast to be a car.
‘Was it a shooting star?’ She wondered as
her fevered mind reeled-- back to reality, and
the need for escape. Running again to the far
side of the road, she discovered a muddy ditch
there, with muck that grabbed at her ankles,
slowing her. The terror returned…the hand at
her neck.
Hurry! Hurry! Phyllis ran the best she could,
up a sand dune, and saw on the other side of the
peninsula a city! Salvation! She hurried down
the hill and saw people on the beach. Salvation!
Dr. Joe was an excellent surgeon but he Jonathan whimpered out loud at the
found it boring. Restoring people to health was thought of the wet sand squishing between
a good living but he was already really, really his toes as he and his shipmates disembarked
rich. He attended medical school until his dad to go clamming, illegally, upon the strange
croaked, allowing him to inherit the castle and deserted island. The promise of a stolen meal
the half of the island where he now worked at is, as a rule, far more delicious than ordinary
his favorite hobby: unnecessary surgery. Dr. food. All the passengers had pails and shovels
Volume 2 Issue 7 - FEBRUARY 2016 23