Page 22 - 2015-07voices
P. 22

Viewpoint. . .

             Aim High and We’ll Hit High!

                 By Michelle Alba Lim, DTM—District Director

                      In August 2016, the Toastmasters International Convention will be held
                      in Washington, D.C. At the same time, the Olympic Games will be held
                      in Rio de Janeiro. I wonder how many Toastmasters will be tempted
                      to follow their favorite Olympic games on their smartphones while at
the conference. I can’t fault them. The Olympics games are amazing! It’s not unusual
for spectators to literally hold their breath as their favorite gymnast executes a perfect
balance beam performance. Or a swimmer sets a new world record. Or skaters seemingly
defy gravity as they gracefully glide over the ice.

How riveting and spectacular would the Olympics be if most athletes had an “I’ll-try-to-
win-a-bronze-medal” mindset, or worse, if they aim to perform just well enough to barely
stay in the competition? The games would be disappointing, to say the least. Chances are
that athletes who aim to win the bronze will not win at all and those who aim to “barely
stay” in the competition will be eliminated early.

Indeed, the saying, AIM HIGH AND YOU’LL HIT HIGH certainly rings true in the Olympics.
The same is true in Toastmasters. All factors equal, districts that aim for the “gold”
(President’s Distinguished) have better chances of achieving distinction. If they fall short
of the “gold,” they have a good chance of hitting “silver” (Select Distinguished) or “bronze”
(Distinguished). On the other hand, districts that start out aiming for the “bronze” have
higher likelihood of not achieving distinction at all.

This Toastmasters year, let’s aim high! Let’s go for the gold! Let’s aim for President’s
Distinguished District! “But District 7 has not been President’s Distinguished since as far
back as anyone remembers!” some might protest. While this may be true, I respectfully
offer George Bernard Shaw’s classic quote “Some men see things as they are and say
‘Why?’ I dream things that never were, and say ‘Why not?’”

District 7 can definitely be a President’s Distinguished District. We have the educational
and membership-building programs we need to succeed. We have the right people to
lead our clubs, our areas, and our divisions. We have the passion to engage, empower,
and energize our membership to strive to be the BEST.

With everyone aiming high and partnering to achieve our goals, we can, and will, be
President’s Distinguished District this year! Let’s aim high, and we’ll hit high!

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