Page 10 - April 2015 Voices!
P. 10
pelling Desire Moves One Toastmaster
to New Heights
Patrick Locke, DTM—Area 84 Governor
Karen “K” Locke has been an third almost done, along
incredible inspiration to with an Advanced
many of her fellow Communicator Bronze and
Toastmasters over the past Silver. She is very close to
four and a half years . completing her ACG
(Advanced Communicator
In 2003, Karen was Gold) and the Competent
devastated by a debilitating Leadership awards by the
stroke. It took away her end of this Toastmasters
ability to walk, write, and year. She has received
speak. As a poet, this was special club awards as well;
tantamount to death for The Earl Mershon
her. Her entire life was Inspirational award as well
truncated in only minutes. as the 2014 club “Best
Outside of scribbling on a Speaker” Award.
board with her left hand she was unable
to communicate in any meaningful way. Karen continues to challenge herself. She
joined Speakers with Spirit this year, and
In October 2010, I introduced Karen to competed in the International Speech
Toastmasters. She began to work on her Contest where she shared her message of
speaking challenges. Within the racial equality. She won 1st place at both
supportive environment of Early Words the club and area levels, and placed
Toastmasters Club, Karen began, little by second at the Division G contest on April
little, to regain the ability to articulate her 18th.
poetry as she had so many years before.
Progress seemed slow at first but she I am very proud of Karen and the progress
persevered. She was always ready to she has made towards regaining her voice,
deliver a speech if someone didn’t show in the face of almost insurmountable
up for their role. odds. She continues to be an inspiration
to me and everyone she encounters.
Racial injustice and racism are at the core
of what drives Karen to continue striving Patrick Locke, DTM rejoined Toastmasters in 2011
to improve her communication skills. This
compelling desire, has in the past four after a break for several years. He is a member of
years, moved her to complete two
Competent Communicator manuals with a Speakers with Spirit and Early Words Toastmasters.
He is currently serving at the Area 84 governor.
One of the keys to developing your communication skills is to practice Use every opportunity to stand
up and speak to further develop your skills. Take functionary opportunities serious. Those few moments
you have to explain a meeting function and articulate a report can be a very powerful learning tool if
to New Heights
Patrick Locke, DTM—Area 84 Governor
Karen “K” Locke has been an third almost done, along
incredible inspiration to with an Advanced
many of her fellow Communicator Bronze and
Toastmasters over the past Silver. She is very close to
four and a half years . completing her ACG
(Advanced Communicator
In 2003, Karen was Gold) and the Competent
devastated by a debilitating Leadership awards by the
stroke. It took away her end of this Toastmasters
ability to walk, write, and year. She has received
speak. As a poet, this was special club awards as well;
tantamount to death for The Earl Mershon
her. Her entire life was Inspirational award as well
truncated in only minutes. as the 2014 club “Best
Outside of scribbling on a Speaker” Award.
board with her left hand she was unable
to communicate in any meaningful way. Karen continues to challenge herself. She
joined Speakers with Spirit this year, and
In October 2010, I introduced Karen to competed in the International Speech
Toastmasters. She began to work on her Contest where she shared her message of
speaking challenges. Within the racial equality. She won 1st place at both
supportive environment of Early Words the club and area levels, and placed
Toastmasters Club, Karen began, little by second at the Division G contest on April
little, to regain the ability to articulate her 18th.
poetry as she had so many years before.
Progress seemed slow at first but she I am very proud of Karen and the progress
persevered. She was always ready to she has made towards regaining her voice,
deliver a speech if someone didn’t show in the face of almost insurmountable
up for their role. odds. She continues to be an inspiration
to me and everyone she encounters.
Racial injustice and racism are at the core
of what drives Karen to continue striving Patrick Locke, DTM rejoined Toastmasters in 2011
to improve her communication skills. This
compelling desire, has in the past four after a break for several years. He is a member of
years, moved her to complete two
Competent Communicator manuals with a Speakers with Spirit and Early Words Toastmasters.
He is currently serving at the Area 84 governor.
One of the keys to developing your communication skills is to practice Use every opportunity to stand
up and speak to further develop your skills. Take functionary opportunities serious. Those few moments
you have to explain a meeting function and articulate a report can be a very powerful learning tool if