Page 6 - Voices 2024-10
P. 6


        CONTEST SEASON. . .

        Phyllis Harmon, DTM, PDG - Program Quality Director

              re you ready? Do you have                             •  Have earned certificates of completion
        A the stamina, fortitude, and                                  in Levels 1 and 2 in Pathways or earned a

        wherewithal to stand and deliver a                             DTM (International Speech contest only)
        speech in a contest? If you do, now                         •  Your club is in good standing (at
        is the time to brush off that jewel                            least 8 paid members) before the
        everyone told you was a “contest                               club contest

        winner” and get ready for the                               •  Area, Division, and District
        competition.                                                   contests are held in-person only
                                                                    •  Not a member of the District
        What about your evaluation skills?                             Executive Committee or running

        Are you a club favorite who provides                           for office at the District level or
        the presenter with actionable                                  above (you know who you are - if
        feedback and leaves them asking                                not ask me!)
        for more? Then you are in luck! The                         •  Not a presenter at the District

        District’s second Contest this season                          conference
        is the Evaluation Contest.
                                                                    Competing not your cuppa java?
        Here are some of the contest rules:                         Then you are needed to fill the

           •  Be a paid member of a club in                         ticket as a judge, ballot counter,
              the Area, Division, and District in                   sergeant at arms, or timer.
              which you are competing

        6   Voices!
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