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August, 2024

      Toast Talk gives you a heads up on upcoming events and other
      happenings around the District. It arrives in your email box
      monthly. Look for it and stay in the know!

            Make Up Club Officer Training                                 About the Session

         If you are a 2024-2025 club officer and           Benjamin Franklin said, “If you fail to plan, you are
         missed TLI in June, there is still time to get    planning to fail.” Clubs do not succeed through good luck
         trained and get credit for your DCP. Check        or magic—it takes planning and work. Toastmasters
         the D7 calendar for the dates and times           Clubs have ten goals to achieve each year to ensure we
                                                           serve our members and fulfill our mission as an
                                                           educational organization. The Club Success Plan is our
             The Summer issue of Voices! is
             available. Click here to read online or       template for achieving those goals. We write down the
             print a PDF. Join the fun by submitting       specific actions we will take to keep us on track
             an article, club news, photos, or             throughout the year. Join me for the Marvelous Monday
             artwork. Email your contribution to           Meetup on August 12, 2024, to learn how the Club Success
    by August           plan can help your Club be Distinguished.
             15 for our Fall edition.

      Monthly DECM scheduled for 8/25, 7-8:30pm.         A hearty District 7 high five to Yahong
      Check the D7 calendar for more details             Neirynck who earned a DTM and to the 48

                                                         who submitted Pathways Levels in July!
     On the Road - Week of 8/11/2024                     Click here to see who they were. . .

     The D7 Trio will be in Anaheim, CA
     for training and the TI Convention                                  Club Support Forum
     celebrating 100 years. They will be
     checking emails when time                              Tune in every first Wednesday, 7-8 pm,to the Club
     permits.                                               Support Forum where CGD Fred Bergeron explores
                                                            topices related to club growth and retention. Click
                                                            here to join the session  “Welcome to the New Year
                                                            of Toastmasters: How to Have Fun in Your Club.”
                        CALL FOR SPEAKERS
                         CALL FOR SPEAKERS

                   Need to complete an optional project in  Levels 3, 4, or 5? Be a presenter at Winter TLI
                   scheduled for 1/3 & 1/4/2025. Calling for all potential presenters. If you’ve got a message to
                   share or want to present a club officer role, now is your opportunity. Click here to complete
                   the questionnaire. Submit it with a short video on your topic and/or presentation style.

     Toastmasters International - 1924—2024 - Celebrate 100 Years!