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          Marshall, Mark Lucas (D7 Past Region 1               Director. Impactful because I wanted even more
          Advisor) and Second Vice President Candidate         than before, for every member to feel like I felt at
          Karen Lucas. My Toastmasters Tribe I                 this training. I desire all members to gain a deeper
          thought, as I saw the thousands of Toastmasters      understanding of Toastmasters history. I want all
          at this training. A strong sense of belonging and    members to experience Toastmasters competing and
          purpose was my heightened sense as I moved about     speaking at a high-performance level and knowing
          during the training.                                 this possibility is open to them. I hope all District
          Though we were all from different countries,         7 members will feel that welcoming spirit at all
          different skin tones, different languages, and       levels of the Toastmaster Tribe. The feeling that they
          dialects, we moved as one, Toastmasters all. A place   matter at all levels of the organization.
          where you felt no difference.We were all leaders with  As I reiterate my experience of District Leader
          our own talents to offer to the Toastmasters mission   Training, my heart still fills with joy to
          and vision.                                          know the privilege I have of being a Toastmaster and
          I had a keen sense of what I wanted to do in my      serving the District 7 Toastmasters members.
          own district to help members and clubs grow. My
          sense of responsibility and accountability grew even
          more for the Toastmasters organization and my
          commitment to District 7 members. There were
          many unforgettable sights, sounds, Toastmasters,
          and learning opportunities that I cannot tell it all.
          However, this journey to District Leader Training
          was impactful for me as the District 7 Club Growth

                             Conference Session in Nassau, Bahamas Grand Hyatt Baha Mar Hotel

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