Page 18 - voices-2023-10
P. 18
Jim Robison, DTM
District Director
When I first joined Toastmasters, over three decades told me that he joined our club so that he could
ago, I had not joined because of Toastmasters transfer to a club near his home in Russia, because it
International; I had joined because of the club. I got was easier for him to join the club here and transfer,
to know the people in my club who made me feel than it was to join the club there. Another member
welcome, and that Toastmasters was a place where I transferred to a club in Saudia Arabia. Knowing
could learn, grow and belong. that we had members from west Africa, South
At first, I knew that a member of my club had served America, Europe and Asia, and that we had former
as something called “District Governor” and I knew members in clubs in other countries, gave me a
there were other clubs who we competed against in much broader feeling about the international nature
contests, but I did not know a lot about the extent of Toastmasters.
of Toastmasters as an organization. Eventually I When the Covid 19 Pandemic forced most clubs to
started interacting with other clubs. I attended Area go to online meetings, it opened up opportunities
and Division contests, District Conferences, officer for clubs to gain members from around the world.
training sessions and I visited the meetings of other Prior to this, we occasionally had a travelling
clubs. This got me to thinking about the reach of Toastmaster visit our meeting. For example,
Toastmasters beyond my own club. Toastmasters from Hungary, China and Japan had
I then started looking at the diverse backgrounds visited our club when they travelled to Portland.
of the members of our club. At one point, I decided When we went online, it opened up so that we had
to do an informal survey to see where the members visitors from other countries at a majority of our
of our club came from. Based on place of birth, I meetings, without the need to travel.
learned that we had members in our club who were Looking at membership in District 7 today, I see
born in 11 different countries. This was long before thirteen countries other than the United States
clubs began meeting online, so all the members represented, and 25 states beyond Oregon and
were local, but they had come from many places. Washington (we currently have no clubs in California,
We had members who were from Nigeria, Russia, but many members from there). You might think
Mexico, Canada, Poland and many more. One of that the most international clubs would be those in
our members had actually been the first person to major cities or transport centers but you’d be wrong.
charter a German language Toastmasters club in the A club in a small city in southern Oregon (Roseburg
United States (in Chicago). Speakers and Storytellers) has an international
The International nature of Toastmasters struck me membership that includes members in Germany,
more when I learned that some of our former club Indonesia, China and India. The International scope
members were transferring to clubs in their home of Toastmasters has truly come home.
countries, or countries they moved to. One member