Page 18 - voices-2023-06
P. 18


     Beacon of Light in Toastmasters Leadership

      Dave Bones, DTM - Club Growth Director

       The end of the Toastmaster year is often a time            One thing that a mentor helped me with
       for reflection. This is true for me as I am in         years ago was to hold me accountable. If

       the final month of my role as the 2022-2023            something comes up that interferes with
       D7 Club Growth Director. As I reflected, I             commitment and follow through, I need to
       noticed one aspect that struck me as perhaps           communicate. I was scheduled to attend an
       most important in Toastmasters leadership.             important group event that he invited me to.
       I am thrilled to share it with you for your            I did not show or call to let anyone know that

       consideration.                                         I wouldn’t make it. He candidly told me of the
           It is this – love. As a leader, love for those     chaos and uncertainty I caused that could have
       you are leading is the factor that transcends all      been prevented if I had just communicated.

       boundaries of a particular role and integrates         Back then, I had no idea that my actions could
       each leadership position with members into             have that much impact on the group. What I
       the unified Toastmasters community. Love               learned is that he was helping me to become a
       may not be the only aspect needed. That                better leader. The lesson was that trust is built
       said, I do believe that this must be included          by caring enough to be consistent.

       for fundamental success. Are you already
       nodding in agreement, or at least intrigued to         2.  Demonstrate that you care
       hear more? I hope so! In the short amount of               What is the one way that you know

       time that we have together in this article, I will     that your leader in Toastmasters cares? Is
       share three elements to consider putting into          it when everything is going smoothly and
       practice.                                              convenient to contribute? Maybe, but I would
                                                              say the opposite is certainly true. I have been
       1.  Be consistent                                      astounded by leaders that no matter their stress

           As a leader, your team needs to know that          load, including outside of Toastmasters, have
       you are someone they can depend on. This               taken the time to ask how I am doing, or to
       does not mean that a leader must be perfect.           answer my questions. As Toastmasters leaders,

       Far from it! But it does mean that you do not          we can treat adversity not as an excuse, but as
       just let things slide.                                 an opportunity to become better listeners and

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