Page 26 - voices-2023-04
P. 26
Combat Burnout
Eldred Brown, DTM, IPDD
Are you on the verge of burnout? I know I How do I combat this, so I remain
am. I’ve been in one D7 executive position an effective IPDD? The first thing I do is
or another for almost 4 years (each of the maintain my commitment to a variety of
Trio positions plus Immediate Past District activities I enjoy. If I get too tired of working
Director). I’m more than ready to finish my on one project, I can switch to another project
work as IPDD on June 30 and fade back to that will take my mind off the project that’s
being just a member of a club or three. How making me tired. Music is a huge part of
do I combat these feelings of burnout so I my life, so I often use music to take a break
can keep my sanity long enough to finish the from other tasks. I try to use an hour a day
job I started? How can you battle the feelings to practice my trombone, or I may take some
of burnout? time to set the texts of some of my church’s
First, what are the symptoms of burnout? hymns to music. Sometimes even
Do you find it hard to get out of bed in the listening to music helps calm
morning? Are you easily irritated by the most my mind.
minuscule of inconveniences? Do you often My wage-earning work for
find yourself in a mood where you don’t want Intel also gives me a variety
to do anything but sit on the couch and watch of projects to work on, which keeps my
TV all day? Do you frequently have trouble workday filled with activities I enjoy. I’ll
concentrating(Oh, look! A squirrel!)? Have often work on one project for an hour before
you given up on controlling your eating or taking a break. After my break, I may shift
getting enough exercise? My symptom is that my focus to another project that needs my
when I’m done with my wage-earning work attention. After alternating work on two or
for the day, I really don’t want to do much three projects concurrently, I may take a
of anything else, especially if it’s related to training course I’ve always wanted to take.
Toastmasters at the District level. I’m also an outspoken advocate for breaking