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Senator Wayne Layman Morse
Toastmaster, Politician, and Accomplished Public Speaker
Harvey Schowe, DTM - District 7 Historian
Toastmaster’s International announced with participation in a debate club.
in their January 1930 issue of The Gavel that At Madison Central High School, he
the Eugene Toastmasters Club chartered on continued his interest in scholastic team
November 26, 1929. Successful organizing debating. In a debate competition with William
efforts by YMCA Center F. S. Gannett, chairman Oakey and Henry Hos, they debated the topic
of the educational committee, and University “Resolved the League of Nations as proposed
of Oregon public speaking instructors Charles by the Peace Conference at Paris.” They lost the
G. Howard and Wayne L. Morse resulted debate. He excelled in his studies becoming an
in the Eugene Toastmasters club being the honor student and served as the vice president
first Toastmasters club chartered in Oregon. of the Dramatic Club.
Eugene Toastmasters Club first meeting was After high school, Morse attended the
held on Tuesday evening, November 26, University of Wisconsin majoring in oratory.
1929, at the Eugene YMCA Center. Professor His many academic activities demonstrated
Charles Howard was elected director of the his brilliant intellect. He was involved in the
new club with 12 charter members. During following:
this meeting Wayne Morse spoke about his • Student Senate
experiences with public speaking clubs. At a • Forensic Board Treasurer
Eugene Lions High Twelve Club meeting on • Student Court
Friday, February 7, 1930, Wayne Morse spoke • Chairman Ways and Means
about his commitment to public speaking in a • Varsity Debating
speech titled “How and Why to Speak in Public,” • Edwin Both Dramatic Club
that included his experiences as a Toastmaster • Hesperia Sophomore Semi-Public Debates
member and club president. (closer)
Wayne Lyman Morse was born on October • Intercollegiate Debates Wisconsin vs.
20, 1900, in Madison, Wisconsin to parents Minnesota Madison, Wisconsin April 6,
Wilbur F. Morse and Jessie M. White. His interest 1922
in public speaking began early in grade school • Wisconsin Affirmative Team – Clyde W.