Page 24 - voices-2023-02
P. 24


        Tough Times

        Eldred Brown, DTM, IPDD

       The last six months have been a difficult                  As I shared in a speech I gave to my Intel

       time for my employer as we attempt to get               Toastmasters club a couple of days after the
       back on track after losing our way 6-7 years            grim announcement, I have to examine my
       ago. First, there was the announcement last             personal budget and determine where I can
       November that we needed to look for every               cut expenses. Will I need to uproot myself and

       way we could to reduce our costs. We wanted             move to a cheaper apartment? Will I need to
       to keep as many employees as we could, but              trade my car in for something cheaper, or even
       we also acknowledged that we would have                 for TriMet passes? Will I have to withdraw
       to let some people go. Yup. Layoffs. Even a             from a Toastmasters club or two? Should I

       leader in our Intel-based Toastmasters club             anticipate more layoffs? How long will this
       was cut loose to look for opportunities with
       other employers. At least he’s still maintaining
       his active membership in our club, which we

       greatly appreciate. It's painful and stressful to
       no longer have a job, though.
          Thankfully, Intel has finished this round
       of layoffs and promises that they have no

       current plans to cut its workforce. However,
       the company has announced other cost-cutting
       measures that we’re all going to have to suffer
       together. We’re losing all our bonuses for this

       year, and our executives and managers have all
       been asked to take cuts to their base salaries.
       That will require all of us to adjust our lifestyles
       to reduced income. I don’t think anybody’s

       happy about that. I suppose it’s better, though,
       to take a pay cut if that’s what it takes to keep
       my job.

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